1 JARC Grant: Study on Transportation Gaps for Low-Income Populations in the National Capital Region.


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Presentation transcript:

1 JARC Grant: Study on Transportation Gaps for Low-Income Populations in the National Capital Region

2 Outline I.Project Overview II.Background III.Implementation Plan IV.Participation

3 I. Project Overview The proposed study aims to: – Identify aspects preventing low-income individuals to access jobs – Measure their accessibility to private and public transportation. – Propose recommendations for improving their transportation options based on the empirical analysis.

4 III. Draft of the implementation plan The implementation plan is based on the following tasks : – Task 1: Analysis of the aspects preventing job access. – Task 2: Where are the jobs and where jobs are expected to grow ? – Task 3: Determine level of accessibility to Private and Public Transportation (origin). – Task 4: Determine accessibility level to jobs and services (destination). – Task 5: Trip chaining analysis. – Task 6: Findings and Recommendations.

5 III.1. Task 1: Analysis of the aspects preventing job access. Premise: – Low-income population is concentrated in the central and eastern portions of the region, and along transportation corridors (Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 2004). Tasks: – A detailed qualitative analysis concerning the aspects that prevent access to jobs (education, training, housing locations) will be undertaken using the 2009 US census data and possibly other data sources (i.e. TANF).

6 III.2. Task 2: Where are the jobs and where jobs are expected to grow ? Premise: ₋Geographic distance between poor neighborhoods and the location of entry-level jobs results in limited work experience and greater incidence of unemployment among low-income workers. Tasks: ₋The scope of this section is to provide a comprehensive overview about the actual employment in the region, and about expected growth and development. The analysis by category (entry level, retail, service) will be based on data prepared and made available by the Cooperative Forecasting program.

7 III.3. Task 3: Accessibility to private and public transportation Premise: – Modal shares for low-income individuals differ from those of the general population. Low-income individuals are more likely to commute by public transportation (especially bus), to carpool and to walk to work. Tasks: – Accessibility to public transportation will be carefully examined. The effects of compact development around stations (Smart Growth) on low-income population will be also part of our analysis.

8 III.4. Task 4: Accessibility to jobs and services Premise: – This analysis will specifically seek ways to help develop the available work force for Washington area employers as well as improve access opportunities for potential employees and for in training individuals. Tasks: – Analysis of jobs and services locations on the Washington Metropolitan Area, with a focus on the regions that are expected to grow in terms of jobs zones.

9 III.5. Task 5: Trip Chaining Analysis Premise: – Low-wage workers often have multiple jobs, each for a few hours per day, leading them to travel to multiple destinations. In addition, those jobs can come with unpredictable or inflexible schedules. Tasks: – An activity-based analysis of the Baltimore- Washington household travel survey is proposed. The analysis will include all trips undertaken by all household members over all times of day. From this, a pattern of behavior (activity chain) can be obtained.

10 III.6. Task6: Findings and Recommendations In particular, the research will provide insight on: – Trends in socio-demographic factors that characterize disadvantaged population. – Jobs locations and measure of accessibility to jobs and services. – Innovative transportation services (carpool, vanpool, guaranteed ride home service para-transit…). – Priorities to be set for enhancing existing services. – Plans for new services in response to new needs (transportation and other)

11 IV. Participation is encouraged… From your perspective, what is the most significant barrier for persons with low-incomes in finding employment? We welcome participants to the steering committee. We are organizing a focus group; please help us identify possible interested parties. Thank you.