Childhood Obesity By: Morgan Lindsay
Overview Introduction Overweight Obese Causes and Prevention Risks Media Effects Change?
Objectives After this presentation students will be able to: Distinguish between overweight and obese List 2 causes for childhood obesity List 2 ways to prevent childhood obesity List 2 media Effects on childhood obesity
True False Review 22 million children are overweight or obese across the world? 1 in every 5 American kids or teens are overweight or obese? The percent of obese children in America has tripled since 1960’s?
Introduction 49% 91% My Plate
Overweight Definition Percentiles Variables
Obese Definition Percentiles Variables
Causes and prevention Family life School and friends Diet Activity Level Media
Family life Genetics Family Meals Parental Influence
School and Friends Meals provided by the school Peer influence
Diet Fast Foods Restaurants Packaged and Processed food Overconsumption
Activity Level 30 minutes of physical activity per day Get involved in sports Reliance on video games and television for entertainment
Risks Diabetes Bone and joints Cardiovascular Depression Self-esteem Death
Media Effects Television and video games Commercial influence Marketing influences
Television and Video Games Advergames Viral marketing Advercation Video
Commercial Influence 49%, 91% Tony the Tiger, Cookie Monster American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study
Marketing Influences The “Happy Meal” – Why is it appealing? Strength, Speed, and Endurance Brainwashing!?
How can we change? Limit television, videogame and computer time Get physical! Promote healthy options
References ary-Recommendations-for-Healthy-Children_UCM_303886_Article.jsp &pg=PR1&dq=childhood+obesity+in+america&ots=MKWMVVTqUY&sig =X6CNUNq_2NSSDlDBnkoMMsiRWIQ#v=onepage&q=childhood%20obe sity%20in%20america&f=false ADA strategic communications team. (2011). Cartoons and poor food choices. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Retrieved October 3, 2011 from elevision. Brown,J. (2008). Nutrition Through The Life Cycle (4 th Ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Anschutz,D. (2009) Side effects of television food commercials on concurrent non advertised sweet snack food intake in young children. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Retrieved October 5, 2011 from a e4eadd05a. a e4eadd05a
Quiz 1.Overweight is excess body _____. 2.Obese is excess body ______. 3.List 2 causes of childhood obesity. 4.List 2 ways to prevent childhood obesity. 5.List 1 way the media effects childhood obesity.