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Goal Setting Getting What You Want!!! I can develop short and long-term goals using the SMART goal-setting technique.
What is a goal? Something you consciously aim to achieve and are willing to plan and work for
What is a short-term goal? Something you want to accomplish soon Within six months
What is a long-term goal? Something you plan to accomplish farther in the future A year or longer
What is a fixed goal? Has a deadline Must be met at a certain time
What is a flexible goal? No certain time limit Can move deadlines
What does it mean to prioritize? To place in order of importance
What is the definition of a realistic goal? A goal that can be met, is not too far out of reach for you Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Driven
What are five steps to follow in order to set goals? 1. Analyze your goal- 2. Be realistic 3. Be specific 4. Put it in writing-A GOAL NOT WRITTEN IS ONLY A WISH!!!! Make it SMART!! Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Driven 5. Follow through with your plan
What is a resource? Something used to achieve your goals
What are the three types of resources? Give an example Human resources-parents, teachers, coaches Material resources-money, textbooks, computers Community resources-library, Wellness Center
How can determination help you to achieve goals? Determination can be a MOTIVATOR to achieve your goals. Set your goal, visualize yourself achieving it, and then GO FOR IT!!!
Setting Your Goals-4 Areas Self-Improvement -Set a goal to improve something about yourself Family Members -Set a goal that helps you become a better family member
Setting Your Goals-4 Areas School Responsibility -Set a goal to improve an area of your academic life Extra Curricular Activities -Set a goal for an activity/hobby/club/sport you are involved in
For each goal: List at least 3 activities to help you reach that goal List some human, material, and community resources you can utilize to help you reach your goals DO THIS FOR EACH GOAL!!!!