FHS 2450 HUMAN SEXUALITY FINAL PROJECT Tasha Urena Love in the Media Please click the mouse to advance each slide
WHAT IS LOVE? To me love has many meanings, there truly is no one definition for it, neither is it seen or shown in the same way by each one person. Definition states: An intense feeling of deep affection A person or thing that one loves Feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone
TITANIC (1997) Please click the picture to view the video After viewing, please exit and return to presentation This film shows passionate love in its finest form. Titanic I feel could be considered a realistic view of love and partnership, as love is something you fight for, it is not easily given or received. And throughout this movie they are constantly fighting to be with each other, but people are always getting in the way.
DISNEY’S CINDERELLA (1950) Please click the picture to view the video After viewing, please exit and return to presentation This film shows a little of passionate love, but mostly companionate love. Cinderella is very much unrealistic of what love really is. I feel that it is just a “fairytale” and a “dream.” Children are given a false hope of what love is. And many girls, even after they are grown still try to mimic Cinderella and have that fairytale wedding and life they so dreamed and wished for, but sadly most of the time love is not that easy.
NOTEBOOK (2004) Please click the picture to view the video After viewing, please exit and return to presentation This film shows both companionate and passionate love in full force. The Notebook very much shows what love is and should be all about. It shows passion like no other both when fights erupt, or in making love. It also shows that a relationship and marriage is for better or worse, and that it is about giving 100% until the end. And most of all, it shows that love is not about yourself, but about the other person, it is about being selfless.
DIRTY DANCING (1987) Please click the picture to view video After viewing, please exit and return to presentation This film shows both companionate and passionate love. Dirty Dancing is a realistic view of love, especially young love, and how you can fall so easily for someone and love them more than anything in the world. It also shows how love can teach you so many things and makes you grow and flourish.
JUST MARRIED (2003) Please click the picture to view the video After viewing, please exit and return to presentation This film shows both companionate and passionate love greatly. Just Married is a good film to watch and see what realistic love and marriage and partnership is all about. Many relationships start out dreamy and perfect, and then the bumps in the road come and some fall apart and out of love, but this movie shows that, the happy photos we look at in an album; it’s the hard times that get us to those moments. It will and can work out you just have to keep working together, and remember why you fell in love in the first place.
BE AWARE! Never rely on the media to define love Media usually puts love in an extreme light (fairytale or down right terrifying) The media’s main purpose is to distort or poison your mind with illusions Films are usually fictitious, an idea out of someone’s brain, not real life LOVE IS DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE!