Beginning with the End in Mind
Clear and concise goals for teaching and learning outcomes That…. Answer the following questions: - What do I want the kids to be able to do at the end of the lesson? - How will they show me that they know what they need to know at the end of the lesson?
Two Parts! -Skills the student will demonstrate -method, medium or activity through which they will demonstrate said skill
Use graphic organizers to analyze cause an effect relationships in a realistic fiction text. Students will summarize the plot of a fiction story in 4-5 sketches that depict main characters, setting, problem, and solution of the story. of the story in 4-5 sketches. Sketches should include details depicting main characters, placed in accurate setting and the event that is taking place.
ALL students should be REQUIRED to complete and achieve higher level skills, beyond Identification, to include: -Describe -Analyze -Create -Classify -explain -evaluate
Students will be able to read a non-fiction text and answer comprehension questions. Students will be able use context clues to make predictions about a non-fiction text before reading.
Students will describe FDR’s New Deal. Students will be able to describe the 5 major components of FDR’s New Deal by designing a set of commemorative stamps for the US Postal Service.
Use active performance verbs and avoid general thinking terms such understand. Include the level of performance (standard); Are specific in terms of curricular knowledge; Include strong clues about how they will be assessed (What will they have to produce or show at the end of the lesson?)
If you don’t know where you’re going, you can’t get there! -Jon Saphier and Robert Gower
Complete the Mastery Objectives Activity that has been sent to your . Due next class
Discuss Next Major Assignments Strategy of the Week (Storyboarding for Writing) Formative/Summative Assessment Lecture 60 Formative Assessment Strategies 60 Student Centered Instructional Strategies