Are You Ready for 2000? Art Hendela, President Hendela System Consultants, Inc. Home of the SCANALYZER Year 2000 Solution Lyndhurst, NJ SCANY2K
Where are you Dec 31, 1999 at 11:59 PM? u Times Square watching the ball drop? u The Millennium Gala with champagne? u The Concorde going around the world? u Home with your friends and family? u At your PC hoping your computer applications work in one minute?
What is the Millennium Bug? u A $600 billion problem (Gartner Group) u A resource headache (4 million years of work for 2 million programmers) u A hit on your company’s bottom line u A deadline you can’t slip u A stress test every day at work u A time for real good tools to help you
How did this happen? u Conserved computer resources with 2 digit dates during 1960’s, 70’s. u Copied established techniques from old code. u Believed systems would be replaced by now. u Eased data input. People like to input less digits for dates.
What should you check? u In-house developed systems u Third party developed systems u Facilities management systems u PC and Mainframe hardware, operating systems, and software u Staffing levels
Legal Worries u Directors and upper management are personally liable for problems. u SEC Fines for under reporting Y2K impact. u Client damage awards for product failure. u IRC 482 of the IRS code may limit corporate wide solutions.
Operational Worries u Manufacturing systems fail. u Doors won’t open because security system can’t process the date as valid. u Fire systems cut off because maintenance has not been performed. u Can’t call to place an order - the phone system doesn’t work.
Inconveniences u Reports sorted incorrectly. u Budget programs don’t work so you aren’t funded. u Disk files listed with wrong dates. u Bills not calculated correctly.
How do you fix the problem? u Identify resources to help in all phases. u Assess the size of the problem. u Select tools to help fix the problem. u Prepare a triage plan. u Remediate the source code. u Test the fixes in separate environment. u Implement the fixes.
Where do you get more information? u Websites: u u u u Magazines: u Year/2000 Journal u NJ Y2K User Group - Mike Cervine,
Summary u Reviewed the history of the problem and how it occurred. u List potential Legal, Operational, and Inconvenient. u Outlined how to perform a Y2K project and select tools. u Gave sources for more information.
Who is Hendela System Consultants? u Consulting and software company based in Lyndhurst, NJ. u Established in 1988 as a custom program shop. u Clients include many Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. u Developed SCANALYZER software to aid Year 2000 analysis for major international bank.