The disk of AB Aurigae Dmitry Semenov (MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany) Yaroslav Pavluchenko (INASAN, Moscow, Russia) Katharina Schreyer (AIU, Jena, Germany) Thomas Henning (MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany) Kees Dullemond (MPA, Garching, Germany) Aurore Bacmann (Observatoire de Bordeaux, France) Ringberg April 15
The disk of AB Aurigae Chemical modeling Observations Dmitry Semenov Aurore Bacmann (Observatoire de Bordeaux, France) Katharina Schreyer (AIU Jena) (MPIA Heidelberg) Radiative transfer Lines: Yaroslav Pavluchenko (INASAN, Moscow, Russia) Continuum: Kees Dullemond (MPA, Garching, Germany) Ringberg April 15
Outline Motivation General Properties Observations & Results a) IRAM 30m & b) PdBI The Model of the AB Aurigae system Chemical modeling Line radiative transfer simulations Modeling results Conclusions 3/18
Motivation well suitable object to study the chemistry of the disk Why AB Aurigae ? One of the best-studied Herbig Ae(/Be) stars: A0 Ve+sh D = 144 +23 pc, M = 2.4 ± 0.2 M8, age = 2−5 Myr (e.g. van den Ancker et al. 1997, Manning & Sargent 1997, Grady et al. 1999, deWarf et al. 2003, Fukagawa et al. 2004) circumstellar structure: compact disk (Rdisk ≈ 450 pc, Mdisk ≈ 0.02 M8, i,f poorly defined) (Mannings & Sargent 1997, Henning et al. 1998) + extended, low-density envelope (R > 1000 pc, optically thin, AV = 0.5m internal structure + extent not well determined) -17 well suitable object to study the chemistry of the disk
AB Aur: General Properties The envelope R-band image, University of Hawaii 2.2m telescope (Grady et al. 1999) AB Aur: General Properties The envelope IRAS 60μm HST visual image (Grady et al. 1999) extended asymmetrical nebulosity, inhomogeneous spherical envelope, Renvelope ≈ 1300 AU ( = 10″) i < 45o IRAS 60 μm map Renvelope = 4’ ≈ 35 000 AU SED Modeling (Miroshnichenko et al. 1999) Renvelope ≈ 5000 AU N E 10″
AB Aurigae: General Properties - The disk 13CO (10) OVRO Main velocities Subaru H-band image (Fukagawa et al. 2004): mass supply from the envelope contributes to the spiral instability 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 vLSR (km s-1) 5″ 5 0 -5 arcsec (Mannings & Sargent, 1997, OVRO) Keplerian rotation, a/b 110 AU / 450 AU i 76o 8″ 8″ HST image (Grady et al. 1999)
AB Aur - Our observational results: IRAM 30m Observations: 2000-2001 beamsizes: 10″ − 30″ Results: detected species: HCO+, CS, CO, C18O, HCN, HNC, ~3: SiO, H2CO, CN, DCO+ CO 21 C18O 21 CS 21 CS 54 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 HNC 10 HCN 10 HCO+ 10 HCO+ 32 Tmb [K] 0 10 20 -10 0 10 20 0 5 10 -5 0 5 10 15 DCO+ 21 SiO 21 H2CO 31,221,1 CN 10 non-detections N2H+, CH3CN, HDCO, C2H, SO, SO2 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 vLSR [km/s] 7/18
AB Aur - Our observational results: PdB Interferometer sum HCO+ J=1-0 Beam 6.5″ x 5″ Observations: 2002, beams ~ 5″ x 7″ Main velocities 4.5 5.5 6.5 vLSR (km s-1) Results: HCO+ map, ~3: 34SO, SO2, HCN, C2H, … HST image: Grady et al. 1999 34SO 3221 C2H 10 3/2-1/2 F=2-1 SO2 73,582,6 S[Jy] HCN 10 velocity [km/s]
The model of the AB Aur system (Dullemond & Dominik, 2004) SED AB Aurigae 2D continuum radiative transfer code passive flared disk model low-density cones have the open angle shadowed part of the envelope is denser and cooler R 9/18
The model of the AB Aur system Disk: 2D passive disk with vertical temperature gradient, (r) = o·(r / Ro)p, p = −1.5, Mdisk = 3 (± 0.5) 10-2 M8, Rin = Ro = 0.7 AU, Rout = 400 AU, vertical hight = 0.3 … 350 AU i = 17˚±3˚, = 80˚ +10˚, Tdisk = 35 ... 1500 K ndisk = 10-24 ... 10-9 g cm-3, Keplerian rotation, Vturb = 0.2 km/s Envelope: Rin = 0 / 400 AU, Rout = 2100 AU, (r) = o·(r / Rin )p, p = −1.0, low-density cones: = 25˚, olobe = 9.4 10-20 g cm-3, Tenv = 100 K shadowed torus: olobe = 5.5 10-19 g cm-3, Tenv = 35 K Menv 4 · 10-3 M8, ad = 0.1 μm, AV ≈ 0.5m, Vturb = 0.2 km/s, stationary accretion, V(r) 1 / r (0.2 km/s at r = Rin), dynamical timescale is ~ 107 yrs ad = 0.3 μm −30˚ T = 35 K T = 100 K 400 AU 10/18
AB Aur – Chemical Modeling (Semenov et al., 2004) a gas-phase chemistry (UMIST95) with a surface reaction set (Hasegawa et al. 1992) a deuterated chemical network from Bergin et al. 1999 self- & mutual-shielding of H2 (Draine & Bertoldi 1996) and CO (Lee et al. 1996) the 1D slab model to compute UV- and CR-dissociation and ionization rates depending on vertical height ionization by the decay of radionuclides (disk) thermal, photo-, and CR-desorption of surface species back in the gas-phase initial abundances: chemical evolution of a molecular cloud (low-metal set, T = 10 K, n = 2·104 cm-3, time span = 1Myr, Wiebe et al. 2003) 11/18
AB Aur – Chemical Modeling Modeling of the chemistry with reduced chemical network (in total 560 species made of 13 elements, involved in 5335 reactions) On the basis of the fractional ionisation, disk divided into three layers: dark dense mid-plane (chemical network of ~ ten species & reactions) (ii) intermediate layer (chemistry of the fractional ionization driven by the stellar X-rays) (iii) unshielded low-density surface layer (photoionisation-recombination processes) Results : 2D-distribution of column densities and molecular abundances for 3 Myr evolutionary time span 12/18
AB Aur - Line radiative transfer (Pavluchenkov & Shustov, 2004) 2D URAN NLTE code: further development of the public 1D code by Hogerheijde & van der Tak (2000) solution of the system of radiative transfer equations using the Accelerated –Iteration (ALI) method the mean intensities are calculated with the Accelerated Monte Carlo algorithm the same model as obtained by the continuum radiative transfer synthetic line profiles, beam-convolved Results: 13/18
Modeling Results: НСО+(1-0) disk map AB Aurigae 4 3 2 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 Inverse P Cygni profile a possible evidence for the accretion at distances ~ 600 AU Disk model: R = 400 AU -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 arcsec 14/18
Modeling Results: НСО+(1-0) disk map AB Aurigae Subaru H-band image disk model Fukagawa et al. 2004 4 3 2 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 sub-component structures possibly stem from the spirals -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 arcsec 15/18
Modeling Results: Estimate of i and i = 10o i = 15o i = 20o AB Aurigae inclination angle of the disk i = 17˚± 3˚ position angle = 80˚+10˚ = 40o = 80o = 120o −30˚ 2 1 2 1 2 arcsec 16/18
AB Aur -Modeling Results: Line profiles of different species Fit for three cases: Left: Middle: Right: Tmb [K] only the disk only the envelope disk + (J=2−1) 17/18
AB Aurigae - Conclusions Based on observational data a suitable model of the AB Aurigae system is acquired mass, size, geometry and dynamical structure temperature and density distribution There is an evidence for the accretion at distances of about 600 AU from the star It is shown that the IRAM single-dish spectra can be adequately described by the «disk-in-envelope» model The coupled dynamical, chemical, and radiative transfer simulation is an effective tool to find a consistent model 18/18
AB Aur - Our observations IRAM 30m: 2000-2001, beam sizes 10″ - 30″ detected different transitions of HCO+, CS, CO, C18O, HCN, HNC, ~3: SiO, H2CO, CN, DCO+ non-detections: N2H+, CH3CN, HDCO, C2H, SO, SO2 IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer: 2002, synthezied beam sizes 5″×7″ detected HCO+ (& ~ 3: 34SO, SO2, HCN, C2H, …) PdBI 7/19
AB Aurigae - Conclusions About a dozen molecular spectra as well as the HCO+(1-0) interferometric map of AB Aurigae are acquired There is an evidence for the accretion at distances of about 600 AU from the star The mass, size, geometry and dynamical structure of the disk are constrained The temperature and density distribution of the envelope are estimated It is shown that the IRAM single-dish spectra can be adequately described by the «disk-in-envelope» model Further investigations are needed 18/18
AB Aur - Line radiative transfer (Pavluchenkov & Shustov, 2004) • 2D URAN NLTE code: further development of the public 1D code by Hogerheijde & van der Tak (2000) System of equations including the equation of radiative transfer and statistical equations for the level populations Mean intensity in every cell is calculated by the accelerated Monte-Carlo technique (AMC) Level populations are iteratively calculated using the Accelerated Lambda Iteration (ALI) scheme Global iterations are finished after a requested accuracy in level populations is achieved 13/18
2. Integration of transfer equation 1. Geometry 1D model 2D model Grid cell er e e Back-up integration: First calculation Second calculation Comparison of the level populations for each cell to estimate Monte-Carlo error 3. Estimation of the error in level populations 2. Integration of transfer equation ray cell boundaries 1 2 3 N
Modeling Results: НСО+(1-0) disk map AB Aurigae Subaru R-band image Fukagawa et al. 2004 4 3 2 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 sub-component structures possibly stem from the spirals -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 arcsec 15/18
HCO+(1-0) [29’’] Disk Envelope Both Line wings disk, central peak envelope 24 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
HCO+(3-2) [9.3’’] Disk Envelope Both Beam is smaller contribution from the disk is larger 25 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena CO(2-1) [11’’] Disk Envelope Both Line is optically thick, 26 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena C18O(2-1) [11’’] Disk Envelope Both Line is optically thin, 27 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena CS(2-1) [26’’] Disk Envelope Both 28 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena Mass of the disk HCO+(1-0) is optically thin 21 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena Mass of the disk Dependence on the grain size: Dependence on the chemical network: Dependence on the gas-to-dust ratio: ? Dependence on the disk structure: ? 22 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
AB Aurigae: General properties Star: Disk: Envelope: 3 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
The AB Aurigae system: IR IRAS 60m map radius of the envelope ~ 35000 AU 4 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
The AB Aurigae system: visual (Grady et al. ApJ, 523, 151, 1999) Scattered light image extended asymmetrical nebulosity 5 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
AB Aur: General Properties - The envelope HST K-band image (Grady et al. 1999): inhomogeneous spherical envelope, Rdisk 1300 AU i < 45o
The AB Aurigae system: 10m The shape of the 10m-silicate band implies that ad<1m (Bouwman et al. A&A, 375, 950, 2001) 8 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
Results: PdB Interferometer Keplerian rotation, positional angle 90 ?
Chemical processes in space Desorption Accretion Surface reaction Gas-phase reaction UV, CR, X-ray Mantle Grain Grain 15 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
Disk positional angle = 40o = 80o = 120o Positional angle of the disk 20 30.01.2004 Friday-seminar talk at AIU Jena
Line wings disk, central peak envelope HCO+(1-0) [29’’] Line wings disk, central peak envelope
Temperature of the envelope T = 15K T = 25K T = 35K Envelope temperature (r 800 AU) 35K
AB Aurigae: General Properties - The disk Main velocities 13CO (1-0) OVRO 5″ 5 0 -5 arcsec 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 vLSR (km s-1) Subaru H-band image (Fukagawa et al. 2004): mass supply from the envelope contributes to the spiral instability (Mannings & Sargent, 1997) Keplerian rotation, a/b 110 AU / 450 AU i 76o 8″ 8″ HST image (Grady et al. 1999)
AB Aur - Our observational results: PdB Interferometer sum HST image: Grady et al. 1999 HCO+ J=1-0 Beam 6.5″ x 5″ Main velocities 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 vLSR (km s-1) Keplerian rotation, position angle 90 ? 34SO 3221 SO2 73,582,6 S[Jy] HCN 10
The model of the AB Aur system (Dullemond & Dominik, 2004) SED AB Aurigae 2D continuum radiative transfer code passive flared disk model low-density cones have the open angle shadowed part of the envelope is denser and cooler R 9/18