TAPI INTERFACE Existing phone system Screen pops Keep existing system Miss out on more sophisticated features May need to pay for this feature if not installed + –
SMARTVOIX Replacement phone system Screen pops Recording linked to bookings Automated booking Dashboard Reports Transfer to other sites Expensive Lose existing infrastructure + –
SMARTVOIX AS A SERVICE All the benefits of SmartVoix Without the hassle of setting it up But first, what is SIP?
SMARTVOIX AS A SERVICE 1. Call answered by SmartVOIX 2.The call gets answered by the SmartVOIX system. If the caller makes an automated booking then the booking is sent to the SmartMove server. Other calls queued for the operator. 3.The operator(s) connects to the SmartVOIX phone system over the internet. 4.Bookings taken by the operator go to the server in the usual way.
BENEFITS Get screen pop
Get automatic bookings based on addresses used by that caller BENEFITS
Immediate access to recordings BENEFITS
Reports Get call statistics BENEFITS
Alternative call centres Site lost, go to new one Offload to another site
REQUIREMENTS You must have a good internet connection (download and upload speeds) NBN or fibre ideal