Headlines The most important element in every advertisement. Should quickly inform the prospect of the underlying thought behind the advertisement in an effort to get them to read the ad.
Purpose of Headlines n Attract attention to the advertisement through what it says and how it works. n Selects an audience of logical prospects and singles out potential prospects from the readers
Four Types of Headlines n Label headline n Informative headline n Provocative headline n Selective headline
Label Headlines- when to use n Merchandise has general acceptance with public due to previous advertising n Articles that have immediate demand
Informative Headlines n Informs reader about the main fact or idea. n Attracts attention of readers and includes a major selling point.
Provocative Headlines n Provokes readers curiosity in order to get them to read the text n Hints at the content of the text.
Selective Advertisement n Names the people to whom an ad is addressed. This headline selects from many readers, potential prospects. n When to use? When the merchandise holds a particular appeal primarily for a specific use.
Headlines According to Grammar Form n Declarative headlines n Imperative n Exclamatory n Interrogatory
Essentials to an Effective Headline n Informative n Specific n Interesting n Active n Concise n Original n Appropriate