Revising For GCSE Language Year 10 Unit 2 (Writing)
Creating a Writing Checklist Think about the writing that you did in Unit 1! In pairs, try to create a checklist for successful writing. Spend 5 minutes discussing and 5 minutes writing your answers.
Writing To Advise? What do we know about Writing To Advise? -Brainstorm your basic advice and use these ideas as topic sentences/headings for your paragraphs -Develop these ideas in your paragraphs and add more information in the form of commands/suggestions. -Use words like always, never (for your orders) -Don’t just have orders! (ought, should, could, can, should, might) -You could even use subheadings -You could even use rhetorical questions -Advice should always be friendly and relevant Let’s look at an example question!
Past Question (Writing To Advise): Write an article for a newspaper advising people how to lose weight! Who wouldn’t want to lose a few extra inches from their waistline? The following article is a guide to a healthy diet that will give you a more active and confident lifestyle, telling you how to lose those unwanted few pounds. Exercise regularly Are you someone who spends most of the time on the sofa then moans about being overweight? You could do something about it. Why not take up a sport or a hobby? Regular exercise is highly important for someone wanting to lose weight. You could even join your local gym – but beware, they are very expensive! A cheaper way to do this would be go running around the block or maybe doing exercise at home like running up and down the stairs. By doing regular exercise at certain times, you could burn off much of the calories you have eaten in the day – even if you have had a big breakfast! Try to avoid exercising before bed though as you will find it more difficult to sleep. Avoid foods high in carbohydrates after a certain time Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Surgery. (30)
Writing To Advise You could be asked to write the text of a leaflet, a newspaper or magazine article, a letter or a website. The important thing is to remember your audience when you plan. You can give advice but you can also advise. You can download the MP3 file and others at the address below and there are further practice questions online.
Writing To Analyse, Review and Comment Who is happening to someone or something (and the effect of this ) What has happened to someone or something (and the effects of this) What might happen as a result of something (and what the effects of this could be)
6 marks for SPAG!
Constructing A Plan! The first thing you need to do is brainstorm the main ideas/advice you are going to give – these will then become subheadings for paragraphs and commands in the form of a topic sentence. You should have an introduction that relates to your audience in some way. You should develop your ideas in the paragraphs using words that are specific to this form of writing. You should remember what the examiners are looking for in terms of ‘strong’ writing!
Directed Task Plan and complete your response for the following question and bring it next lesson: “You have a Saturday job in your local library. Your boss is concerned that less and less teenagers are using the library and has asked for your advice. Write a letter to him advising him on how he could attract more teenagers to the library.”