Lecture#13 Network planning: main problems The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications Series of lectures “Telecommunication networks” Instructor: Prof. Nikolay Sokolov,
Typical network planning tasks
Network planning processes
Iterative planning sub-processes (1)
Iterative planning sub-processes (2)
Three kinds of planning
Long-term planning (1)
Long-term planning (2)
Long-term planning (3)
Medium-term planning (1)
Medium-term planning (2)
Medium-term planning (3)
Medium-term planning (4)
Medium-term planning (5)
Network layer modeling
Phases of the planning process
Techno-economical solution
Technical, business and operational plans
Multiclass traffic evaluation
Risks (1)
Risks (2)
Risks (3)
Internetwork security domain
Domains (1)
Domains (2)
Security layers (1)
Security layers (2)
Interoperation structure
Network structure: introduction Telecommunications network structure determines significant part of the most important parameters of infocommunication systems. Due to this reason, problems of telecommunications network structure analysis and synthesis constitute self-dependent direction among researches conducted in the interest of all participants of infocommunication market. Certainly, the network structure analysis and synthesis can’t be completely separated from other processes of infocommunication system creation and development. Nevertheless, for the study of complex object or process it is necessary to discriminate a number of independent problems in it. The tasks of telecommunications network structure analysis and synthesis are united by the set of final goals, methodological approach, and mathematical apparatus. Final goal of these tasks solving is to build an efficient infocommunication system that will provide execution of specified functions and is able to develop. The word "efficient" indicates the fact that network structure is close to the optimal one. Methodological approach to analysis and synthesis of telecommunications network structure can be considered as integrated problem. Mathematical methods used for solution of such problem are identical.
Optimization principles
Optimization for stepwise functions
Three functions of the switch cost
Structure of graph
Change of the network structure during the time period
Two variants of operating network structure modification
Access network modernization
Infrastructure costs
Note The main part of this lection is based on the ITU Reference Manual “Telecom Network Planning for evolving Network Architectures”
Instructor: Prof. Nikolay Sokolov, Questions? Network planning: main problems