Get Going On ….. Open Word or PPP and try to answer these questions What do you know about South Africa Do you know any one who comes from South Africa Can you think of any places in South Africa Can you think of any famous people from South Africa Can you think of any TV films or programs about South Africa Slide 1, 2, 3 – update their evaluation, sort blog (move folder), then slide 10 No talking only whispering
World Citizen During this topic you will produce A presentation about South Africa A Questionnaire Create graphs showing your results Use a database to analysis you findings Present your findings
By the end of this lesson ... You only have this lesson to produce a presentation about life in South Africa. Think about our AfriTwin School - UniServity You can use any software you like. PPP, Website, Poster, Leaflet, Flyer, Movie Maker etc... Example PowerPoint Example Movie Maker – Tutorials Useful Pictures
Remember it must be completed by the end of the lesson Your Lesson Targets Are… Pass Merit Distinct You must use images from two different websites and type all you own text. You will show a true reflection of life in South Africa Your presentation will be shown to year six students. You will add personal opinion within your work (say what you think and feel). You will compare life in South Africa with life in England. You will include crime figures for the UK and South Africa Remember it must be completed by the end of the lesson
Plenary Talk to the person next to you about what you have found out about LIFE in South Africa Homework By next lesson you will completed the quiz ‘World Citizen’ on UniServity