400 hiring executives of major corporations were asked this simple but significant question…their collective answer? o …. Not really Found students lacked ◦ Oral and written communication skills ◦ Critical thinking and problem solving skills ◦ Collaboration and teamwork skills ◦ Skills to work in diverse teams ◦ Technology skills
Formula for Success
What are the 3 R’s? What other subjects are important in today’s schools?
English, reading, language arts World languages Arts Mathematics Economics Science Geography History Government and Civics
Global Awareness ◦ Understanding global issues Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy ◦ Personal and workplace economic choices Civic Literacy ◦ Being a world citizen Health Literacy ◦ Making complex health decisions
Tools for Success 1.Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2.Creativity and Innovation 3.Collaboration, Teamwork, Leadership 4.Cross-cultural understanding 5.Communications 6.Computing 7.Career knowledge What’s in Your Toolbox? ◦ Do you have the 7 C’s for succeeding in today’s world?
Portrait of a Cy-Fair Graduate 21 st Century Learner 1.Describe the characteristics we have discussed for each of the above individuals. 2.What types of skills do you see in both of these individuals?