Community Participation and Monitoring in Health Alexandra Gugliuzza| Cornell Global Health| GRAAM
“Systematic documentation and review of the availability, accessibility and quality of health services against specific government commitments or standards by actual beneficiaries of services, for the purpose of doing advocacy with providers and policy makers to improve the services.” (COPASAH) CPM
Accountability Empowerment Action Perspective AdvocacyEquitable Capacity building Grassroots
Case Studies Support for Advocacy and Training to Health Initiatives (SATHI)- Maharashtra, India Optimizing the HIV Treatment Access (OHTA) Initiative by UNICEF- Sub-Saharan Africa CARE and ForoSalud with COPASAH- Peru BRAC- Bangladesh Power to the People- Uganda
SATHI Stakeholders Capacity Building Community Assessment Jan Sunwai State Dialogue
OHTA by UNICEF community-facility linkage 4 Domains and 11 “Promising Practices”
CARE and ForoSalud
BRAC: The Manoshi Approach Social Mapping Accessibility Service Delivery Contact Census Taking Resource Allocation Duplication of Service Data Community Engagement Retention Trust and accessibility Service improvement
Power to the People Pre- intervention surveys Report Cards Village Meeting Health facility staff meeting Interface Meeting Performance Monitoring Mid-term review
Conclusions Three-way collaboration and partnerships Health service activities alone are not enough Equity is essential Environment and population contextualization There is no one method- adaptability is a must Communication
Personal Reflection Adaptability Professional Skills DevelopmentRelationshipsOpenness “World Citizen”
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