Decay properties of D and D s mesons Bhavin Patel Department of Physics Sardar Patel University Vallabh Vidyanagar , Gujarat, INDIA
Outline… Introduction. Spectroscopic Properties of Light Heavy Flavour Mesons in Coulomb plus Power Potential. Decay Properties of the Open Heavy Flavour Mesons. Conclusion.
Open charm D sJ (2632) (Selex) D sJ * (2715) (Belle) D sJ (2860) (Babar) D sJ * (2317) - J P =0 + - cs ~ 2.48 GeV - < 4.6 MeV D sJ (2460) - J P =1 + - cs ~ 2.55 GeV - < 5.5 MeV D 0 * (2308) - J P =0 + - P cn ~ 2.46 GeV - ~ 276 MeV Charmonium X (3872) - J PC =1 ++ (2 –+ ) - cc ~ GeV - < 2.3 MeV Y(4260) : ?? Y(4385) : 4 3 S 1,3 3 D 1 X (3940) Y (3940):2 3 P J=1,2,3 Z (3940) Light - heavy mesons sector Charmonia sector Open-charm and charmonium like states
Radial wave functions of meson at CPP v =0.8
Effective quark mass
Conclusion Present study suggests the potential scheme for the description of Open charm flavour mesons as Coulomb plus power potential. Our model contains few parameters compared to many other models. The study demonstrates the success of a nonrelativistic potential model in the description of the masses and decay properties of open charm mesons. We hope that many of the prediction of the model would be supported experimentally in near future at different heavy flavour production, high luminosity experiments.
Prof. P C Vinodkumar Dr. J N Pandya (MSU,Vadodara), Dr. Ajay Kumar Rai (SVNIT, Surat), Dr. C J Clement (St. Xavier Sci. College, Ahmedabad), Dr. R H Parmar (Modasa Sci. College, Modasa), Mr. Ajay Majethiya (KITRC, Kalol), Ms. Shereena Joseph (Delhi), Mr. Arpit Parmar and Mr. Kaushal Thakkar. Part of this work is done with a financial support from DST, New Delhi, under a Major Research Project SR/S2-HEP-20/2006.
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There is a flood of experimental data from high energy experiments from different hadron colliders [BaBar, CDF, CLEO, DELPHI, BELLE,SELEX etc.] in the spectroscopy of heavy flavour hadrons. Though much of the data are related to mesons, there exists interesting observations related to the heavy flavour baryons. Baryons themselves are interesting as they represent simple three body systems. Its treatment is complicated compared to the two body meson systems. Due to disparities among the model predictions of the static properties of baryons and their magnetic moments at the heavy flavour sector [P. Avery], alternate schemes to describe the properties of baryons particularly in the heavy flavour sector are of recent interest [D. Ebert, (2005)]. For the present study, we employ the hypercentral description of the three-body problem [M. M. Giannini et. al (2001), E. Santopinto et. al, (1998)] for the baryons constituting one or more charm and beauty quarks.
New experimental results on charm meson resonances BABAR announced a discovery of new narrow state ; this was confirmed by FOCUS and CLEO ; CLEO also observed narrow state ; Belle found both states and also provided first evidence for two new, broad states both ca MeV higher above the usual and with opposite parity; finally SELEX has announced a new surprisingly narrow state with spin-parity assignment ; there is a proposal to consider it as a first radial excitation of Both have already been proposed as of thespin doublet chiral partners of the heavy-light pseudoscalar and and vector Ds mesons. The states have been proposed to be chiral partners of the D-meson doublet.
D SJ * (2317) BaBar: PRL 90, (2003) Narrow peak in D S 0. J P =0 + I=0 favored. Width consistent with the detector resolution, less than 10 MeV. Mass near 2317 MeV, 40 MeV below DK threshold.
D SJ (2460) Narrow peak in D * S 0, and also observed in D S . J P =1 + favored. Width consistent with the detector resolution, less than 8 MeV. Mass close to 2460 MeV, below D * K threshold. CLEO: PRD 68, (2003)
More than 30 years after the so-called November revolution, heavy meson spectrocospy is being again a challenge. The formerly comfortable world of heavy meson spectroscopy is being severely tested by new experiments The area that is phenomenologically understood extends to: Heavy-light mesons, states where the quark-antiquark pair is in relative S wave; Heavy-heavy meson: states below the DD (BB) threshold In the positive parity sector (P wave, L=1) a number of states have been discovered with masses and widths much different than expected from quark potential models. Open charm D sJ (2632) (Selex) D sJ * (2715) (Belle) D sJ (2860) (Babar) D sJ * (2317) - J P =0 + - P cs ~ 2.48 GeV - < 4.6 MeV D sJ (2460) - J P =1 + - P cs ~ 2.55 GeV - < 5.5 MeV D 0 * (2308) - J P =0 + - P cn ~ 2.46 GeV - ~ 276 MeV Charmonium X (3872) - J PC =1 ++ (2 –+ ) - P cc ~ GeV - < 2.3 MeV Y(4260) : ?? Y(4385) : 4 3 S 1,3 3 D 1 X (3940) Y (3940):2 3 P J=1,2,3 Z (3940) Heavy-light mesons (QCD hydrogren)Heavy-heavy mesons – – New open-charm and charmonium like states