Journey to the Middle Kingdom 中国 张 文 献 Wenxian Zhang Rollins College SFA Miami, FL
First National Archives of China
Ancient Chinese Archives: Overview China is one of the long-lasting civilizations in the world. Imperial governments were more interested in controlling than preserving the historical records, and there was no free/public access. Enough records survived the prolonged chaos to shed a light on the extensive history of library and archival development.
Map of the Imperial Ming Census Archives
Records of the Ancient Chinese Archives
National Library of China
Peking University Library
Beijing Foreigin Studies University Library
Shanghai Municipal Library & Shanghai University Library
Political Symbols in China
Personal Impressions of My Recent Visits to China Largest wave of library & archival constructions in the Chinese history Institutional image, not necessarily in the best interests of the users and the collections Still focus on the collection instead of access Library/archival professionals are eager to learn from and collaborate with international colleagues