The Washington Scene: Regulations, Reauthorization & the Election Terry W. Hartle NEASC Annual Meeting December 10, 2015
Story So Far Very little Accomplished Partisanship/Gridlock is back New Speaker/budget deal 1
Higher Education and the Obama Legacy Money Direct Loans For-profits Regulations 2
Last Six Months Ratings went away; College Scorecard emerged NLRB decided --- for now --- that student-athletes are not employees Sexual assault hearings in House and Senate Clinton announced college access plan 3
Last Six Months (continued) New York Fed report Fisher case is heard by Supreme Court Prior-prior year is coming Accreditation initiative by ED NCLB reauth will be signed into law 4
Federal Higher Education Policy in 2015 Free college plans Institutional aid Excludes privates Wave of new regulations HEA: failure to launch 5
Major Issues in Reauthorization…If It Happens Affordability/Over-borrowing In loco parentis: Sexual assault Social media Quality/Accreditation 6
Major Issues in Reauthorization…If It Happens (cont.) Regulations Simplification of student aid 7
Looking to the Future Will reauthorization happen? Broader issues going forward: Endowments Aid to public colleges Federal student aid link to tuition 2016 Election – two different world views 8