National Leadership Opportunities
ASDA’s Vision To advance the dental profession by developing exemplary leaders and inspiring member advocacy.
ASDA’s Objectives Promote, encourage and foster lifelong involvement in organized dentistry. Promote, encourage and provide opportunities for participation in leadership development, community service, dental research and other experiences…
ASDA believes all future dentists can benefit from leadership development.
Let ASDA Be Your Path to Leadership State dental societies Professional associations Your community Your practice
Top 5 Reasons to Become a National Leader 5) Exercise teamwork and problem solving skills while working with your board, council, etc. 4) Attend meetings and network with dental students from across the country.
Top 5 Reasons to Become a National Leader 3) Get an insider perspective of organized dentistry and become familiar with issues facing the profession. 2) Extensive self-development as a leader.
No. 1 Reason to Become a National Leader Directly impact the actions and direction of ASDA!
Choose Your Path There are 49 national leadership opportunities: 15 elected 34 appointed All national leaders will begin their term at the conclusion of Annual Session in Atlanta
Appointed Elected Council Associate Editor District Leader Chapter Delegate Legislative Coordinator Council Chair Editor-In-Chief Trustee Speaker of the House LGN Chair A E A A A A A A E E E EC E E
Elected Positions Elected by House of Delegates at Annual Session: Executive Committee (3) Speaker of the House (1) Elected by district at Annual Session District trustees (11) Elected by chapter Chapter delegate (2 per chapter) Chapter/district leadership
Appointed Positions Selected from applications received by the board: Editorial board (6) Council chairs (4) Council associates (8) Externs (4) Legislative Grassroots Network (7) Predental consultant (1) and predental advisory committee member (4)
Application Process
Remember: The only real training for leadership… is leadership. -Sir Antony Jay