Chap 9 What events triggered the ”3 strikes" fad? Ex-con crimes in Wash and Calif -- spread across country -- fueled by media myths of lenient system “soft on crime” (wedding cake model - highly publicized cases)
Chap 9 What kinds of similarly punitive fads have been popular in the past? Scared straight, boot camps, mandatory minimums, truth in sentencing, “use a gun.....” “do drugs....” Mindless punishment based on “common sense”
Chap 9 What are the three theoretical justifications for these punitive policies? Deterrence Incapacitation Retribution
Chap 9 Why are the deterrence and incapacitation claims about three strikes doubtful? Deterrence - most crimes not rational Incapacitation - false positives/petty offenders + low clearance!!
Chap 9 What does "vengeance as public policy" mean (and vengeance against whom - criminals or poor)? Retribution as vengence - “they deserve it” “They” is stereotype (Justice and warped justice)
Chap 9 "Diversity among the states" (p ) - skim this part. About 1/2 states passed laws Most focussed on violent crimes And most already had laws doing same thing! (habitual offender laws)
Chap 9 Why was the three strikes movement "largely symbolic" and "not designed to have a significant impact on the CJS" in most states - and why is California the only exception to this (p. 195)? Political “get tough” posturing. Calif 40,000 strikers!! (TABLE 9-7 P. 206)
Chap 9 Skim these sections (I'll talk about this in class) - history of the California law, impact on the courts, variation by counties, impact on prison population. Legis and public racing to “get tough” Discretion - from judges/juries to prosecutors Lot of variation by counties in use of strikes Prison pop - est even bigger than actual 40k!!
Chap 9 Who are strikers (Calif v. other states) - serious or petty? Other states - few strikers, mostly serious Calif - many strikers, most petty (prop/drug) (TABLE 9-8 PAGE 207)
Chap 9 How much has this cost in California (vs. pre-three strikes sentencing laws)? 3 strikes less than half of overall increase (40k of 110k increase) 40k x 30k per year = $1.2 billion year Costs will continue for many years!!
Chap 9 What has been the impact on crime rates in California (Figure 9-1)? None FIGURE 9-1 PAGE 211 Strike v. Nonstrike counties
Chap 9 What does the comparison of different states illustrate (Figure 9-2)? No impact on crime comp to non-strike states FIGURE 9-2 PAGE 212
Chap 9 Summary - I'll talk about this in class. 3 strikes laws part of conservative “get tough” on crime political “package” (other changes) Large part in Calif, small part elsewhere.