What do I owe the Lord and my brethren? Over the last several weeks, we’ve talked about “Membership.” We’ve looked at it from several perspectives: Meaning- Universal vs. Local Benefits- Shepherds, Brethren, and Fellowship Metaphors- Sheep, Married, Disciples, Workers, Stones, Citizens, and Children Now it’s time to start examining its Requirements. What are the obligations of “Local Church Membership”?
As a local church member, what are my responsibilities? 1.Be a “Christian” first, foremost, and always. Be an imitator of God/Christ everyday, Eph.5:1-2. Think and feel like God does everyday, Matt.5: Because you’re an example of a “Christian” to the world everyday, Matt.5: And because you’re a representative both of and to this local body of believers everyday, 1Tim.4:12; Titus 2:7; cf.1Cor.5:1-2,11-13; 2Thess.3:6-15.
As a local church member, what are my responsibilities? 1.Be a “Christian” first, foremost, and always. 2.When your brethren meet, be there and be actively involved. Attendance is not only expected, it’s mandatory. God knew how important this was, and so do your Elders, Heb.10:25. It is to your, and everyone else’s benefit, cf. vv Be “devoted to one another”- Rom.12:9, not the deer camp, the lake, family, recreation, etc. Sunday is “the Lord’s Day”- not His hour and ten minutes. Put Him and your local brethren first, so that they can put you first when needed, vv At it’s core, “fellowship” means “joint-participation”- doing things together. You can’t be “in fellowship” if you’re seldom here and even more rarely involved. cf. Acts 2:42-47
As a local church member, what are my responsibilities? 1.Be a “Christian” first, foremost, and always. 2.When your brethren meet, be there and be actively involved. 3.Have right attitudes and good activities- the ones that preserve unity and peace/harmony, Eph.4:3. Nothing curbs growth and enthusiasm in a local church quicker than bad attitudes and wrong actions. Note that we are to “preserve” what Christ put into the Church, John 17:15-23; 1Cor.1:10; 12:24b-26; Eph.4:1. This obligation isn’t just “not being the one who started it”- cf. Rom.12:18 > Eph.4:2- humility, gentleness, patience, and forbearance in love = right attitudes + right actions, cf. vv.15,17-32.
As a local church member, what are my responsibilities? 1.Be a “Christian” first, foremost, and always. 2.When your brethren meet, be there and be actively involved. 3.Have right attitudes and good activities- the ones that preserve unity and peace/harmony. 4.Bear fruit for God and your brethren! By growing and maturing personally, Gal.5: By reproducing yourself spiritually, John 15:1-11. Notice He doesn’t mention the importance of foliage and flowers (our “pretty” good works, cf. Luke 18:11-12), just “fruit”! 2Tim.2:2; Matt.12:30; Col.1:25-29.
As a local church member, what are my responsibilities? 1.Be a “Christian” first, foremost, and always. 2.When your brethren meet, be there and be actively involved. 3.Have right attitudes and good activities- the ones that preserve unity and peace/harmony. 4.Bear fruit for God and your brethren! To borrow from Paul’s words to Timothy: (1Tim.4:15-16) “Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress may be evident to all. Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things; for as you do this you will insure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.”