1 Greenbelt Community Solar Introductory Presentation to Potential Hosts January **, 2011 To keep the file size down, I’m indicating the photo figures by content names only Photograph of the Kelly Electrical Array (top background) Photograph of the UPSC Array on the Church of the Brethren (bottom background)
Greenbelt Community Solar 2 So... What’s this all about anyway? Agenda: Primer on Solar Photovoltaic Energy System (PVES) How does it work? How does it help the environment? Hosting a PVES and how it helps your bottom line? And what is Greenbelt Community Solar? Next Steps Questions
Greenbelt Community Solar 3 “Components of a Roof-Mounted Solar Generating System” to “Example of Internet PVES Monitoring” Use without changes
Greenbelt Community Solar 4 Environmental and Community Benefits of a PVES Reduces your coal consumption -- Less mining, mountain top removal, and coal transportation to generating stations,... Reduces your carbon footprint (Lowers greenhouse gas emission into the Earth’s atmosphere) Involvement and incentives at federal and state level provide clear long-term commitment Your organization becomes a trend setter in a new Greener society while improving your bottom line...
Greenbelt Community Solar 5 “Improving your bottom line...” Why Become a Host? Trend setting is important, but your organization also sees a financial benefit Immediately lowers your electricity bill Insulates your organization from future electricity rate increases No harm to your roof; in fact, PVES can extend roof life by blocking harmful UV rays By using a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), your organization gets a PVES without up front capital cost or on-going maintenance costs Commercial PPAs have become profitable to both host and owners Kelly Electrical key highlights: size, savings,... McCormick key highlights: size, savings,... Photograph of the Kelly Electrical Array (full slide background)
Greenbelt Community Solar 6 So... Who is Greenbelt Community Solar? And how will an agreement with GCS work? A group of Greenbelt residents that will jointly fund the PVES installation Following University Park Community Solar’s model UPCS developed successful governing agreements that make community- based PVES installations workable UPCS installed a kW system on UP Church of the Brethren UPCS has already provided GCS complete access to all their legal work as a template and is providing on-going advice GCS owns and operates the PVES at your site -- GCS also covers both maintenance and liability insurance Host gets PVES by entering into a long term PPA with GCS to buy electricity at or below market rate for life of the PPA Photograph of the UPSC Array on the Church of the Brethren (full slide background)
Greenbelt Community Solar 7 University Park Community Solar Financial Example Church of the Brethren, 4413 Tuckerman Street (on Rte.1) ( kW system supplies all electricity on a yearly average, though system uses net-metering and is connected to PEPCO From July 22nd through December 15th, Church of the Brethren net meter reading is 2880 kW-hr in their favor with an array generation total kW-hr. The Church saved $235 on the 7842 kW-hr usage or about $9400 over the twenty year PPA Expected PVES equipment lifetime is 25 to 30 years
Greenbelt Community Solar 8 Kelly Electric Financial Example Commercial investor-based PPA -- Not what GCS is planning, but instructive Commercial office/warehouse in Prince George’s County (Steve S., Is there a preferred Kelly array link to go here?) Use rest of slide without changes
Greenbelt Community Solar 9 “Next Steps” to “Thanks for Your Time” Use without changes