Christ Baptist Church Fall 2015 / Spring 2016
3.Why did God use Ananias instead of one of the apostles to welcome Saul into the church? What do you learn about the character of Ananias? What reasons did the Lord give Ananias for sending him to Saul? 4.What do you learn from God’s use of Ananias? How is this relevant to you personally?
From 2 Corinthians 11:23-28, list some things Paul had to suffer for Christ’s sake. List as many things as you can from Ananias’ visit that might have encouraged Saul. What does Luke say strengthened Saul?
5. Why was Saul so bold for God? What was the evidence that Saul had been filled with the Holy Spirit? What message did Saul preach? Using the following passages from the letters which Saul (Paul) later wrote, what did it mean to him that Christ was the Son of God? Philippians 2:5-11, Colossians 1:13-18
According to verse 22, what did Saul’s preaching prove to the Jews? 6. How did people respond to Saul’s conversion? Why? Why was Saul forced to leave Damascus and how did he manage to do so? From the Galatians (1:17) passage, where else had Saul traveled during this time?
8. How does each of these names affect our attitudes as Christians? From John 14:6, give a reason that Christianity might be referred to as the Way? disciples Acts 9:1, 10, 19, 25–26, 36, 38 the way v.2 saintsvv. 13, 32, 41 all that call on God’s namevv. 14, 21 brethrenvv. 17, 30 7.What names are used for Christians in this chapter, and what is significant about each one?
Who did God send to encourage Saul in Jerusalem? Why did Saul need him? What did he do to help Saul? Why was it appropriate that he be the one to encourage Saul ? (Acts 4:36) From the Galatians passage (1:18-19), how long was Saul in Jerusalem? Who did Saul see while in Jerusalem? Why did Saul have to leave Jerusalem?
9.How did Luke describe the church at this point in history? How does your church compare with this description? 10.What can you do to help your church be more like what it is meant to be? Has the Lord ever sent a Christian whom you did not know to encourage you? If so, would you encourage your discussion group by sharing that experience?