Updates from the European Side of the Pond David Groep, November 2006
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Outline EUGridPMA constituency and status Classic secured X.509 Authentication Profile The TACAR Trusted Introducer Distribution site, the RPM repository, and fetch-crl
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Green: EMEA countries with an Accredited Authority 23 of 25 EU member states (all except LU, MT) + AM, CH, HR, IL, IS, NO, PK, RU, TR Other Accredited Authorities: DoEGrids (.us), GridCanada (.ca), CERN, SEE catch-all EUGridPMA members and applicants
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – The story so far … Foundation of the IGTF allows migration of CAs to Regional PMA
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Membership by type Under “Classic X.509 secured infrastructure” authorities accredited: 38 (recent additions: CERN-IT/IS, SRCE) active applicants: 4 (Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Morocco) Under “SLCS” accredited: 0 active applicants: 1 (SWITCH-aai) Under MICS draft none yet of course, but actually CERN-IS would be a good match for MICS as well Major relying parties EGEE, DEISA, SEE-GRID, LCG, TERENA
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Developments in Europe SWITCH-aai interfacing the national academic federation, based on Shibboleth, to the Grid world the SLCS CA is part of this effort (but just phase 1) is planned to be in production by Q Confederation at the national level national federations are being, or have been, implemented codenamed EDUgain, confederation uses ‘federation adapters’ to translate identities when crossing federation boundaries policy coordination is now starting eduroam has by now an (almost) agreed policy Implements key e-IRG recommendations in AA area
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Classic X.509 AP updates (v4.1 β 5) Major points addressed explicit definition of what we mean with “should” FQDN “ownership” time-shifted identity vetting migrated to MICS draft AP maximum 5 years without a form of identity verification reformulated on-line CA architectures includes explicitly the two pre-vetted architectures keyUsage SHOULD (was MUST) be critical in CA certs compliance with Grid Certificate Profile draft (in OGF) due diligence for subscribers made explicit and many grammar and spelling improvements
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Classic v4.1b5 Updates (1) clearer definition of what we mean by should FQDN ‘ownership’ A form of validation after at most five years this has been buried in very old minutes and has now been made explicit
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Classic v4.1b5 Updates (2) On-line CA architectures
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Classic v4.1b5 Updates (3) On-line CA models
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Classic v4.1b5 Updates (4) keyUsage extensions SHOULD be critical in a CA cert this used to be a MUST, but that would unnecessarily exclude some commercial top-level CAs (e.g., NetTrust) Compliance with Grid Certificate Profile document document is now in draft in the OGF CAOPS-WG almost finished embodies lots and lots of community knowledge on what a certificate ought to look like read it before you setup a new CA, or regenerate a root cert, or think about an end-entity certificate profile Auditing: if you re-issue without a new identity vetting, you MUST keep the original records for at least as long as there are certs based on this vetting plus the default grace period
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Classic v4.1b5 Updates (5) Due diligence for subscribers Still pending for a next version some real insights in the necessary site security measures certificate/crl profile to be revised once the OGF document thereon is formally published move of section 3.3 on removal of a CA to architecture (sec 2)
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Classic AP v4.1 status version 4.1 beta-4 approved by AP and EU GridPMAs version beta-5 expected to be accepted by both as well beta-5 had quite a few clarity improvements real content changes deferred to new version 4.2 later It’s ready and on the web, waiting for your go- ahead
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – TACAR the TERENA Academic CA Repository trusted and centralized place where root CA certs can be stored and safely retrieved which is policy-neutral (but ‘IGTF-ready’) for CAs directly managed by TERENA members belonging to a national academic PKI in member states for all CAs set-up to support not-for-profit research, in which the academic community is directly involved
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – TACAR Policy and Update TACAR has been operational since early 2004 registration process is, rightfully, rigorous updates via signed electronic messages the new registration policy (v1.4.3) adds concept of Trusted Introducers this should enable smoother and faster registration with TACAR proposed: one per PMA or similar body Also new web site for an extended audience better support for end-users ‘IGTF-ready’ download of PKCS#7 bundles on a per-Profile basis Policy currently in last call in TF-EMC2 and IGTF
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – IGTF Distribution in Other Formats Apart from validation via TACAR, the IGTF manages a distribution of all accredited authorities formerly known as Anders’ RPM set, today also available as: JKS, tar-gz, configure && make, … usually built by the EUGridPMA (me, actually) mirrored twice-daily to the apgridpma.org site copied and re-distributed by downstream software vendors (EGEE/LCG, VDT, …) also contains the fetch-crl utility (now at version 2.6.3) up till now, has available from
3 rd TAGPMA ‘Austin’ meeting – Nov David Groep – Planned Changes to the Repository migration to a separate (virtual) server and domain better resilience against download (better redundant hardware) separate it from more ‘complex’ parts of the web site, like the CDS agenda, using dedicated (virtual) machines better resilience against registrar and TLD operator faults New planned location plus of course the mirror location at more supported download interfaces: rsync is operational already, but not yet announced will keep backward compatibility by deep redirection
Some dates for you to remember and schedule December 13, 2006 ‘Coseners’ accommodation deadline 9 th EUGridPMA meeting January 15-17, th EUGridPMA meeting, Abingdon, UK (hosted by RAL) January 29 – Feb 2, 2007 – OGF 19 CAOPS, IGTF, OGSA-AuthN-BoF, …, Chapel Hill, NC, USA March 28-29, 2007: TF-EMC2, Florence, IT May and June 1, th EUGridPMA meeting, Istanbul, TR (hosted by ULAKBIM)