Castor One of the Brightest Stars in the Sky By John Kilmer
Castor is a blue star The diameter is 2,086,500 km Castor is 552 light years away the sun Its temperature is 10,300 degrees Kelvin The sun is yellow
Castor was born from the Nebula Castor will die and become a neutron star Castor is 200 million years old but it lives to be 1 billion years old so it is still young Castor is currently a High-Mass star
This is just about where castor is.
Castor is in the constellation Gemini The story behind castor is Castor and pollux are the two heavenly twins which make up Gemini which in Latin means twins. Some people thinks castor means beaver and others think that it stands for Castor one of the twin sons of Zeus and Leda.
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