Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Cameron University Adult and Continuing Education Bachelor of Science IDS CIP Code: Program Code: 650
Overview of Program and Proposed Assessment Plan B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies Purpose: Designed to serve active duty military personnel and goal directed students whose educational needs are not met by one of the University's structured majors. A degree plan, consistent with the individual's stated goals, is designed for each student admitted to the program Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report
Overview, cont. A student may apply for admission to the program during or after the semester in which 24 hours of credit, including transfer and advanced standing, are completed. A minimum of 24 semester hours must be completed after admission to the program 12 hours must be completed with CU Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report
Degree Requirements: GENERAL EDUCATION - 50 hours CONCENTRATION - 45 hours Courses selected from two or more disciplines which in their aggregate comprise a rational combination of skills and concepts. ELECTIVES - 33 hours Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Overview, cont.
Graduation Requirements Meets Interdisciplinary Studies program requirements Minimum 128 credit hours completed Completed 24 or more hours since program admission Minimum 2.0 GPA Forty semester hours of upper division Fifty-five semester hours of liberal arts and science courses Thirty semester hours in residence at Cameron Fifteen of last 30 hours in residence at Cameron Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report
Assessment Challenges No dedicated faculty for IDS All programs on campus qualify for concentrations No faculty groups have been tasked with assessment for this program ACE does not have academic standing or faculty BUT, a suggested assessment plan follows Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report
Assessment Plan Proposal Identify the primary groups of concentration for IDS majors –Military Science –Business –Psychology Request formation of an IDS Council to collect and assess data and develop PQIRs annually (Faculty Senate) Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report
Identify key student learning outcomes from General Education and each of the primary concentrations for purposes of assessment of IDS Identify specific courses in the concentrations that have the highest frequency of enrollment by IDS majors Identify specific assessment measures that correlate to identified outcomes to be used consistently in each of the courses described above for trending purposes Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Assessment Plan Proposal, cont.
Consider developing a 1 – 3 hour IDS capstone course as a required part of the IDS curriculum –Include multiple faculty –Include multiple measures of performance against identified learning outcomes –Identify similar programs nationwide for benchmarking purposes Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Assessment Plan Proposal, cont.
Possible Multiple Measures –Capstone project for at least one concentration –Locally developed or nationally developed standardized exam –Writing exercise –Communication exercise –Critical thinking exercise –Other? Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Assessment Plan Proposal, cont.
Military Science Demonstrate leadership potential Act ethically and morally Psychology Demonstrate knowledge in research methods. Application of knowledge in research methods. Business Graduates demonstrate critical business skills and competencies required for effective decision making in modern business. Graduates demonstrate proficiency in computers and business software required in modern business. Fall 2010 Program Quality Improvement Report Examples of Possible Student-Learning Outcomes