Department of Mechanical Engineering Stevens Institute of Technology Shankha (Conch-Shell) and Murali (Bamboo Flute) Spiritual and Musical Expressions of Vedic Hinduism M.G. Prasad Department of Mechanical Engineering Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, New Jersey 07040
Vedic Hinduism Vedas are the source literature. Vedas are infinitely large collection of mantras (chants) Vedas and Vedic literature deal with all aspects of life. Acoustics plays an important role in Vedas and Vedic literature. Perennial philosophy, refers to the vast, yet integrated, body of knowledge contained in the Vedas and related Sanskrit literature, which has perennial and universal relevance to human life. Dharma in life is the whole process of activity starting from idea, intentions, thoughts, speech, action, reactions, situations, effects, etc. The word Sanaatana refers to the perennial relevance of such a process. Sanaatana Dharma provides an aim for life (both at an individual and collective level). This aim is long term happiness or eternal peace with the presence of short term needs at all levels namely physical, mental and spiritual. Sanaatana Dharma provides a reference for measuring the values of activities of life.
Vedic Knowledge as an Inverted Tree Bramhan - God Non - Dual Reality 4 Vedas Vedic literature The Roots above refer to the One Source (Bramhan). The one main body of transcendental (Apaurusheya) knowledge - Vedas - is classified into 4 major Vedas Rik, Yajus, Sama, Atharva. The Vedic literature deals with all aspects of life including spirituality, philosophy, yoga, religion, rituals, temples, arts and culture, music, dance, grammar, pronunciation, metre astrology, astronomy, logic, law medicine, surgery, technology, martial arts, military strategy, etc. Integrated knowledge of Spirituality and Science
Vedic order of natural elements and perception Element Sense of perception Space Sound (hear) Air Touch and Sound Fire See, Touch and Sound Water Taste,See,Touch and Sound Earth Smell,Taste,See,Touch, Sound Space is characterized by only sound Sound is the most subtle sense of perception Perennial philosophy, refers to the vast, yet integrated, body of knowledge contained in the Vedas and related Sanskrit literature, which has perennial and universal relevance to human life. Dharma in life is the whole process of activity starting from idea, intentions, thoughts, speech, action, reactions, situations, effects, etc. The word Sanaatana refers to the perennial relevance of such a process. Sanaatana Dharma provides an aim for life (both at an individual and collective level). This aim is long term happiness or eternal peace with the presence of short term needs at all levels namely physical, mental and spiritual. Sanaatana Dharma provides a reference for measuring the values of activities of life.
Nature is inspiration Sound especially from nature provides a spiritual means for humans. Music (in Sanskrit) called Sangeeta includes Vocal music, Instrumental music and Dance. The notes of music are derived from nature (for ex: from sounds of animals and birds). Music and Dance are part of religious offering in a Hindu worship.
Conch shell, Bells and Gongs in temples The Hindu Temple and Cultural Society, Bridgewater, N.J Perennial philosophy, refers to the vast, yet integrated, body of knowledge contained in the Vedas and related Sanskrit literature, which has perennial and universal relevance to human life. Dharma in life is the whole process of activity starting from idea, intentions, thoughts, speech, action, reactions, situations, effects, etc. The word Sanaatana refers to the perennial relevance of such a process. Sanaatana Dharma provides an aim for life (both at an individual and collective level). This aim is long term happiness or eternal peace with the presence of short term needs at all levels namely physical, mental and spiritual. Sanaatana Dharma provides a reference for measuring the values of activities of life.
Measurement Data for Conch Shell