Geothermics of the Pannonian basin A talk in the frame of the Tibor Mendöl Workshop Lecturer: László Lenkey
Fundamentals of geothermics Geothermal gradient = grad T = T ~ T z = dT/dz ~ ΔT/Δz Heatflow density (heat flow), q=- T ~ q z = - dT/dz~ - ΔT/Δz, where is the thermal conductivity of rocks Heat transport equation:
Thermal lithosphere Herein et al., 2008 Ra=10e6Ra=10e7 2D spherical shell models of thermal convection in the mantle
Thermal lithosphere Herein et al., 2008
Thermal lithosphere Geotherms in the mantle Schubert et al., 2001
Definition of the lithosphere Lithosphere= (Thermal Boundary Layer, TBL)
Thickness of the lithosphere in Europe from Artemieva et al. 2006
Thickness of the lithosphere in Europe from Artemieva et al. 2006
Heatflow in Europe Pollack et al. 1993Artemieva 2003 Thickness of the thermal lithosphere
Geothermal conditions in Hungary Geothermal Database of Hungary (Dövényi, 1994) 4477 wells deeper than 200 m temperature higher then 30°C all wells before temperature measurements Automatic correction of temperatures Lithology of the well Thermal conductivity data and trends
Geothermal database
Interpolation, heatflow Temperature corrections –Bottom hole temperature –Wells test –Outflowing water T Calculation of heatflow (condition: constant heatflow) Interpolation of T temperature [°C] depth [m] Thermal conductivity [W/mK] MAKO -2 Measured T Corrected temperature Thermal conductivity Interpolated temperature lithology For 1 layer:
Number of temperature measurements in wells EOV X EOV Y vagy több
(Horváth et al. 2005: Geodynamic atlas of the Pannonian basin) Heat flow in the Pannonian basin and surrounding areas
Processes influencing heatflow –Volcanic activity (e.g. Hargita) –Groundwater flow (e.g. Transdanubian Central Range) –Sedimentation/erosion (e.g. Makó trough) –Variation of thermal conductivity in 2D/3D (topography of the basement of the sediments e.g. Makó trough, Transylvanian basin) –Tectonics
Power of thermal springs at the feet of the Transdanubian Central Range
(Horváth et al. 2005: A Pannon-medence geodinamikai atlasza) Heat flow in the Pannonian basin and surrounding areas
Groundwater, helium and heat transport modell along a section in the Great Hungarian Plain Cserepes and Lenkey, 1999
Thickness of Neogene and Quarternary sediments
Sedimentation - model A thick and cold sediment layer is deposited at the surface Parameters of the model: –Thickness of the layer –Time of sedimentation –Time passed since deposition Z T T T0T0 T0T0
Infill of the Pannonian basin
Heatflow deficit due to sedimentation
Heatflow corrected for sedimentation
Transylvanian basin: variation of heat flow due to variation of the thermal conductivity of rocks
Thermal model of lithospheric extension
(Horváth et al. 2005: Geodynamic atlas of the Pannonian basin Thickness of the lithosphere in the Pannonian basin
Subsidence history Subsidence history off shore eastern cost of North America
Subsidence history
Summary Heat flow is an important geodynamic parameter Large scale variation in heat flow are caused by tectonic processes Small scale variations are due to groundwater flow, volcanism, variations in thermal condcutivity and heat production High heat flow in the Pannonian basin is a result of lithospheric extension occurred Ma The extension of the lithosphere was not uniform: the mantle part was more thinned than the crust