欢迎回来 Welcome Back Bell Work: Please dig your memory and answer the questions. Huān yíng huí lái 许老师
GOAL from last year I will be able to communicate in Chinese. I will understand there is a culture that is different from my own.
Research on Language Acquisition Each language occupies a unique area of brain.
GOAL We will limit the use of English in this class. Ask permission to speak in English. I will THINK and communicate in Chinese with 许老师 and classmates.
Why? You are the best of the best. 76 25 Average grade: B
How am I going to survive? You are familiar with the instruction method. Pay close attention when others are speaking/answering. Personal white board.
Get Ready! The first a couple of weeks is always difficult in a language immersion program. (Good news is…….) Bring your portfolio book tomorrow.
Classroom Rules No food/drink is allowed in class. you can't spell “listen” without “silent” No English will be spoken unless you ask for permission.
Class Procedure-when you walk in Pick up the bell work(non-white) and handout in the small table. Pick up your portfolio book on your right. Sharpen your pencil. Work on your bell work quietly.
Activity: 1. Bell Work Review 2.Practice Q& A with your shoulder partner. 3. Group Practice. 4.Let’s play beach ball!
Let’s play beach ball The ball cannot be dropped! Someone must catch it. (Full participation Point) Two things you need to do after you catch the ball. 1.Repeat at least one thing the previous person said. 2.Say your name, age, and what you like.
Bell Work Please turn in Bell Work!
Review: Communication Wall!
Homework Bring the letter home and have your parents sign it. Due date: Aug 23. Thursday