l what are predefined functions? l what is? n function name n argument(s) n return value n function call n function invocation n nested function call l what is the type of arguments and the type of return value and why are they important? l what is include directive and how is it related to predefined functions? linker? l what are type changing functions and why are they needed? l what is type casting? what does function time() do? what do functions rand() and srand() do? What is a seed? Why is seed important for random number generator? what is RAND_MAX ? How does one get a random number in a desired range? Predefined Functions Revisited 1
Programmer-Defined Functions
l Functions are named portions of code l Two types of functions: n predefined - provided in libraries for the benefit of all programmers n programmer-defined - written by programmer l To carry out its task the function accepts arguments l To use a function the programmer writes the function name and a list of arguments for the function to use. This is called function call (or function invocation) l every function returns a result in a return value l a function call can be used in any place an expression or statement is used n if a function is used as an expression - the function evaluates to its return value n if a function is used as a statement - the return value is ignored l arguments and return value of a function are of specified type Functions 3
cout << add1(4+5)+6 << endl; Function Invocation l caller – function that invokes another l callee – function that is being invoked l processing a function invocation: caller is suspended, callee is executed, callee computes the return value which substitutes invocation in the caller n if invocation is inside an expression, the return value is used to evaluate the expression argument invocation 4
l function definition – specifies instructions that the function executes l consists of head, body Function Definition function body return statement parameter return type function name function head double circleArea (double r) { const double PI = ; return PI * r * r; } 5
l programmer defined function cannot know what arguments will be passed to it; it uses (formal) parameters l parameters - local variables of the callee that are initialized to the value of arguments at invocation l return-statement specifies what value the function returns: return expression; n the expression is evaluated, converted to the type specified in function head (types should match) and function terminates n a return-statement is optional. If a function does not have a return- statement it terminates when the last statement is executed. The returned value is unspecified n it is possible to have multiple return-statements. However, putting a return someplace deep in function code is bad style. Try to code a single return or obvious returns. Parameters and Return-statement 6
l function prototype - quickly introduces the function returnValue functionName(type parameterName,…,); –expanded form – mentions parameter types and names: names are optional but sometimes desirable for clarity int add1(int i); –abbreviated form – mentions only parameter types int add1(int); l before function invocation, the compiler needs to see either its definition or prototype l unlike variables the function declarations and function prototypes should be put outside any other function: no nested functions in C++ standard l it is (almost) possible to write a program without prototypes: put function definitions before invocations n such program is hard to understand: more detailed functions would be ahead in file appropriate program style - put function prototypes first, then main() then other functions with increasing level of detail Function Prototype 7
l treat a function prototype as a variable definition: append a short inline description of the function l precede a function definition with at least one line of comments explaining the purpose of the function, possibly comment on parameters Commenting Functions 8
What are the terms for the constructs in gray boxes? 9 #include double circleArea(double r); // computes circle area // manage circle computation int main() { cout << "Enter radius: "; double MyRadius; // circle radius cin >> MyRadius; double Area = circleArea(MyRadius); cout << "Circle has area " << Area; } // computes area of radius r circle double circleArea(double r) { const double PI = ; return PI * r * r; } Function Terms Quick Review
Simple Program Structure l include statements l using statements l function prototypes l function definitions n main() n rest with increasing order of detail 10
variable that is declared inside a function is local: it cannot be used outside of the function l the scope of such variable is from declaration till function end l parameters are also local variables l local variables of two different functions are different even if they have the same name note that variables declared in main() are local to main() example // computes sum of integers in a...b int sum(int a, int b) { int total = 0; // this is a local variable for (int i = a; i <= b; ++i) { total += i; } return total; } Local Variables 11
l the same constants may be used in multiple functions. l if a constant is declared outside any function it is called global and it can be used (its scope is) anywhere in the program from the place it is declared const double pi = ; const double taxRate = 0.05; // 5% sales tax l similarly one can declare global variables. Global variables can be used and modified in any function of the program: int errorcode = 0; n using global variables makes your program hard to understand and debug and should be avoided Global Constants and Variables 12
Call-by-Value l formal parameters are local variables of the function l when the function is called the values of the arguments are evaluated and assigned to respective parameters l as any local variable, the value of a parameter can be changed in a function l this change does not affect the values of the original arguments l such discipline of parameter passing is called call-by-value int add1(int i) { ++i; return i; }... int n=5; int newn = add1(n); // value of n is unchanged 13