We are learning to … give reasons for our views.
Connect: Can you give 3 reasons why some cultures have arranged marriages? In the 1500s and 1600s powerful and rich families will have arranged marriages for their children. Why do you think this happened?
Activate: Should individuals be allowed to make their own decision over who they should marry? Complete the multiple choice quiz. Questions 1- 8 Complete the multiple choice quiz. Questions 1- 8
1] Is it ever acceptable for parents to get involved in their children’s love lives? a.Yes. Situations where children are in danger or potential danger mean it's really important for parents to step in. Sometimes parents are the best people to judge character anyway! b.Yes and no. It's only important if it's a case of preventing dangerous situations, otherwise their opinions should be kept to themselves. c.No. Under no circumstances should parents get involved in their children's love lives. a.Yes. Situations where children are in danger or potential danger mean it's really important for parents to step in. Sometimes parents are the best people to judge character anyway! b.Yes and no. It's only important if it's a case of preventing dangerous situations, otherwise their opinions should be kept to themselves. c.No. Under no circumstances should parents get involved in their children's love lives.
2] Why might parents think that it is better for them to decide who their children should marry? A] At the end of the day, they brought their children up and would know best. B] Parents have an important role in giving some advice when their children have relationships, but when it comes to marriage then it’s important that individuals can use their own judgement. C] Parents always want to be involved in their children's lives. They might think that they're the best judges because they know their children but the children did not have a choice about their family. A] At the end of the day, they brought their children up and would know best. B] Parents have an important role in giving some advice when their children have relationships, but when it comes to marriage then it’s important that individuals can use their own judgement. C] Parents always want to be involved in their children's lives. They might think that they're the best judges because they know their children but the children did not have a choice about their family.
3] Arranged marriages can mean that people get married younger and don’t have to worry about finding a partner. Could this be a good thing? A] Yes. Sometimes it's difficult to make judgements about relationships, and if it means keeping your family happy then so much the better for everyone! B] Yes to an extent, because it will mean that they are guided to sensible mature decisions that they might otherwise not make, although it could force them into a serious relationship prematurely. C] No. It's up to an individual to make their own decisions. A] Yes. Sometimes it's difficult to make judgements about relationships, and if it means keeping your family happy then so much the better for everyone! B] Yes to an extent, because it will mean that they are guided to sensible mature decisions that they might otherwise not make, although it could force them into a serious relationship prematurely. C] No. It's up to an individual to make their own decisions.
4] What could be the advantages of an arranged marriage? A] Financial security; better inter-family relationships; the excitement of finding out new things about each other; a stronger sense of commitment...the list goes on really! B] It would certainly ease the inter-family relationships, but otherwise since the decision didn’t come from the pair in question, then it’s not likely to be full of advantages. C] Are there any? It's not fair to force someone into a relationship, let alone a marriage they haven't signed up to.
5] Is fourteen too young to get married? A] Not if it means you’ve got a perfect match sorted out for you. It saves the stress later! B] Probably – relationships yes but marriage no. C] Yes – they probably haven’t started planning their future at all by the age of 14, let alone their marriage. A] Not if it means you’ve got a perfect match sorted out for you. It saves the stress later! B] Probably – relationships yes but marriage no. C] Yes – they probably haven’t started planning their future at all by the age of 14, let alone their marriage.
6] In England, 11 marriages in 1000 end in divorce. In India, [where many arranged marriages take place] the divorce rate is 1 in Does this mean arranged marriages are more successful? A] Arranged marriages are bound to be more successful if the match has been made well in the first place. B] Not necessarily. It could mean that the culture promotes strong marriages, whether arranged or not. C] No it simply suggests divorce is more difficult in India. Divorce could work out for the better if a couple are unhappy. A] Arranged marriages are bound to be more successful if the match has been made well in the first place. B] Not necessarily. It could mean that the culture promotes strong marriages, whether arranged or not. C] No it simply suggests divorce is more difficult in India. Divorce could work out for the better if a couple are unhappy.
7] Is it best for someone to choose their own husband or wife? A] It depends. There’s nothing wrong forming your own relationships and choosing your partner but could work out well to be given no choice and have your parents make the choice for you. B] It all depends on your circumstances. It will probably work better making your own choices. C] Yes. At the end of the day, it’s your life to lead and your decisions to be pleased about or regret. A] It depends. There’s nothing wrong forming your own relationships and choosing your partner but could work out well to be given no choice and have your parents make the choice for you. B] It all depends on your circumstances. It will probably work better making your own choices. C] Yes. At the end of the day, it’s your life to lead and your decisions to be pleased about or regret.
8] Given the option would you sign up to an arranged marriage? A] Yes it would probably suit me. B] Perhaps, depending on the circumstances. C] No, it is never a good idea. A] Yes it would probably suit me. B] Perhaps, depending on the circumstances. C] No, it is never a good idea.
How do you feel about arranged marriages? If you answered mainly A’s- you may well support the idea of arranged marriages and accept traditional values. The fact that people are married young is not a concern to you. If you answered mainly B’s- you are undecided whether arranged marriage is or is not a great idea. You feel advice from parents could be useful but choosing a partner for your children is a step too far. If you answered mainly A’s- you may well support the idea of arranged marriages and accept traditional values. The fact that people are married young is not a concern to you. If you answered mainly B’s- you are undecided whether arranged marriage is or is not a great idea. You feel advice from parents could be useful but choosing a partner for your children is a step too far.
If you chose mostly C’s: You prefer to sort out your own relationships, whether they turn out for better or worse. It’s up to an individual to choose how to form, build or end relationships and deal with the consequences. You think it’s wrong to be forced into an arranged marriage.
Consolidate : Sum up your views about arrange marriages and give at least one reason for your views.