TOKENS SMALLEST UNITS OF A PROGRAM LANGUAGE Special Symbols Mathematical Operators Punctuation Word Symbols Key Words or Reserved Words Identifiers / Operations(functions) Predefined Operations(functions) –Can Be Redefined By Programmer (Will Get You Into Trouble) User Defined Identifiers / Operations(functions) –Non-Reserved Word –First Character Must Be Alpha –No Embedded Blanks –No Special Characters (*,-,+,/….) (Only Underscore Is Allowed)
DATA TYPES SIMPLE DATA TYPES Integral (ordered data types) Whole Numbers (int) Characters (char) Boolean (bool) Floating-Point (real numbers) Float (-3.4E+38 to 3.4E+38) Double (-1.7E+308 to 1.7E+308) String (Must Include String Library) Sequence of zero or more characters Strings are enclosed in double quote marks(“Mark”)
OPERATORS ARITHMETIC OPERATOR +(Addition) -(Subtraction) *(Multiplication) /(Division) %(Modulus) (Can Only Be Used With Integrals) EVALUATION RULES Evaluates To An Integer With Integer Operands Evaluates To Floating-Point(FP) With FP Operands Evaluates To FP With Mixed Operands Modulus Always Evaluates To Integer
OPERATORS HIERARCHY ( )PRIORITY 1 *, /, %PRIORITY 2 +, - PRIORITY 3 EVALUATION Parentheses (From Inside Out) All Others (From Left To Right)
CONSTANTS DECLARED PRIOR TO MAIN const (datatype) (identifier) = (value); VALUE IS SET WHEN PROGRAM RUNS CANNOT CHANGE WHILE RUNNING Examples; const double RATE = 0.065; const int MIN_ORDER = 20; const char BLANK = ‘ ‘;
ASSIGNMENT / INPUT / OUTPUT Assignment uses ‘=‘ operator Only One Token Left Of Operator Allowed test = 0.0; count = count + value; x = y = z; Input uses cin (cin >> variable >> ……. ) cin >> hours; cin >> hours >> payrate; Data Must Be Separated By One Space Or Tab
ASSIGNMENT / INPUT / OUTPUT Output uses cout (cout << variable << ……) cout << “Enter The Pay Rate.\n”; cout << gross_pay << endl; EscapeNameASCIIComments \aBell7Sounds an audible alarm (rings the bell) at the console. \bBackspace8Moves the cursor one space to the left \tTab9Inserts a tab at the current cursor position \nLinefeed10Moves the cursor to the next line \rReturn13Moves the cursor to the beginning of the same line \”Double Quote34Inserts a double quote at the cursor position \’Quote39Inserts a single quote at the cursor position \\Backslash92Inserts a back slash at the current cursor
OUTPUT FORMATTING Numeric Manipulators Must Include fixed or scientific – Sets Fixed Decimal Format or Scientific Format showpoint or noshowpoint – Ensures Decimal Point Is Displayed or Not setprecision – Sets Number of Decimal Places Works On All Floating Point Numbers After It Is Invoked Or Until A Subsequent Statement Changes The Precision setw – Sets Number Of Characters To Display Only Works On First Expression After It Is Invoked Must Invoke For Each Expression To Be Output right or left – Sets justification (right is default) Remains in effect until changed to opposite justification setfill – Sets the fill character used (default ‘ ‘ a space)
INCREMENT / DECREMENT Types: X++ (Post Increment)X- - (Post Decrement) ++X (Pre Increment)- - X (Pre Decrement) Both Produce The Result X = X + 1 or X = X - 1; Post Increments After Expression Is Evaluated Y = X++ + Z Is The Same AS Y = X + Z X = X + 1 Pre Increments Before Expression Is Evaluated Y = ++X + Z X = X + 1 Y = X + Z Decrement Works The Exact Same Way
PROGRAM STRUCTURE COMPLETE PROGRAM #include //Preprocessor Directive using namespace std;//An ISO C++ Compiler Declaration const float PI = ;//A Global Constant int main( ) { cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2) // Floating Point Setup cout << “Hello World! ” << endl; //Displays Hello World cout << “Pi = “ << PI << endl; // Displays Value Of PI cout << endl; //Cursor Moved Down One system (“pause”); //Stops window closing return 0; }
COMMENTS COMMENTS Use /* …..*/ Multi-line Comments Use // Single Line Comments Used To Explain Major Code Processes And Unique Program Solutions Good Comments Provide Much Needed Help When Debugging or Altering Existing Code (which just might be you)
TYPE CONVERSION CONVERT ONE DATA TYPE TO ANOTHER Use Cast Operator static_cast expression –static_cast (7.9)Evaluates To7 –static_cast (25)Evaluates To25.0 –static_cast (‘A’)Evaluates To 65 –static_cast (65)Evaluates To‘A’ Using Cast Operator To Convert FP Values Truncates Decimal portion
STATEMENTS PROGRAMS ARE BUILT OF STATEMENTS OUTPUT STATEMENT Used To Display Or Store Data INPUT STATEMENT Used To Accept Or Retrieve Data ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT Used To Store Data To Memory CONTROL STATEMENT Use To Control The Program Flow –SELECTION(Making Choices) –ITERATION(Repeating Processes)
DEBUGGING Debugging Your Code A "bug" is a mistake in a program. So debugging is the process of eliminating errors in programs. Three types of program errors: Compile-Time Errors Run-Time Errors Logical Errors
DEBUGGING Compile Time Errors Occurs when you try to compile your code If Compiler is not able to compile the code it issues an error Compile-time errors listed under the compiler tab Compiler finds most of the problems with syntax Examples: –Missing semi-colon –Undeclared variable Error message does not always show correct location of error Error will always be at or above the line the message refers to If errors exist an executable file is not created.
DEBUGGING Runtime Errors Run time errors occur during program execution The program terminates abnormally (crash or hang). Examples: –Trying to divide by zero –Trying to access memory you are not allowed to access Can be difficult to find Typically requires the use of debugger to find error
DEBUGGING Logical Errors Program runs but does not produce correct results Examples: –Missing { or } brace caused faulty logic –Misunderstanding of the formulas used by the code –Overall program flow These are often the most difficult to diagnose May require use of debugger to find error
IN THE END The Programmers Job Is To: Design the program Write the code Debug the code to eliminate all errors Test the code to validate the output