SDL Trados Studio 2014 Getting Started
Components of a CAT Tool Translation Memory Terminology Management Alignment – transforming previously translated document pairs into TMs Quality Assurance ◦ Spellchecking ◦ Numbers, Placeables, Tags, Terminology consistency ◦ Same source – different translations (and vice versa) Corpus Management Machine Translation Plug-in Project Management
Hits from Translation Memory Main editing area Hits from Termbase
File formats Studio supports over 50 file formats ALL input documents for translation are converted into an internal bilingual format (.sdlxliff) TMs are stored as.sdltm files finished files can be exported as source format
Translating a single file one target language SDL project created automatically suitable for small-scale projects
Set languages & Create TM
Name the TM
Important commands Ctrl + Enter = confirm segment Ctrl + Ins = copy source to target Ctrl +, = QuickPlace (tags and placeables) F3 = concordance search
Exercise 1 Download the materials for your language pair from the website. Run SDL Trados Studio Open the source document in SDL Trados Studio and translate the first 10 segments. Make sure you insert all the tags!
Importing an existing TM Studio 2014 format for TMs:.sdltm Supported import formats: ◦.tmx = Translation Memory eXchange ◦.sdlxliff = SDL bilingual file ◦.itd = SDLX file format ◦.ttx = Trados 2007 TagEditor file format
select the.tmx file
Translation Editor - Continued segment status: CM = Context Match; better than 100 % AT = Automated Translation
Recognized tokens Studio 2014 will automatically recognize: ◦ numbers ◦ acronyms ◦ special characters & symbols ◦ formatting and other tags ◦ terms, if a termbase is active Inserting recognized tokens ◦ Quickplace: press Ctrl +, (comma) ◦ hold Ctrl and double-click on tag in source text ◦ right-click and select Quickplace ◦ Note: if only one tag is inserted of a pair of tags, a Ghost tag will apear to remind you of the missing tag
Exercise II Switch to Translation Memories view. Open your current translation memory. Import the.tmx file into the.sdltm. Switch back to Editor. Resume your translation and finish it. Save. Save as target and preview in Word.