Film Basics The Who’s Who, and the What’s What
Important People »Producer (or producer-director) »Writer »Talent »Director »Technical Director »Lighting Director »Production Assistants »Make-up/Wardrobe »Audio Technician »CG Operator »Producer (or producer-director) »Writer »Talent »Director »Technical Director »Lighting Director »Production Assistants »Make-up/Wardrobe »Audio Technician »CG Operator
Producer »In charge of launching the entire production »Program concept, budget, making major decisions »Team leader: works with writers, hires the director, helps to decide on key talent, and guides the general direction. Producer-director Production Assistants »In charge of launching the entire production »Program concept, budget, making major decisions »Team leader: works with writers, hires the director, helps to decide on key talent, and guides the general direction. Producer-director Production Assistants
Writer »Writes the script, which is the document that tells everyone what to do and say. »The script is the blueprint for the film. »Writes the script, which is the document that tells everyone what to do and say. »The script is the blueprint for the film.
Talent »Actors (who portray other people in dramatic productions) »Performers (who appear in nondramatic roles) »Announcers (who generally don’t appear on camera.) »Actors (who portray other people in dramatic productions) »Performers (who appear in nondramatic roles) »Announcers (who generally don’t appear on camera.)
Director »Hired by the producer »In charge of working out pre-production details »Coordinating activities of production staff and on-camera talent »Working out camera and talent positions for the shoot »Selecting camera shots during production »Supervising post-production work »Taking the script from the beginning to the end. »Hired by the producer »In charge of working out pre-production details »Coordinating activities of production staff and on-camera talent »Working out camera and talent positions for the shoot »Selecting camera shots during production »Supervising post-production work »Taking the script from the beginning to the end.
Technical Director »Assists the director in the control room »Operates the video switcher »Coordinates technical aspects of the production »Assists the director in the control room »Operates the video switcher »Coordinates technical aspects of the production
Lighting Director Designs the lighting plan Arranges for lighting equipment Sets up and checks lighting Designs the lighting plan Arranges for lighting equipment Sets up and checks lighting
Set Designer, Make-Up, Wardrobe »Creates/designs the set with the support of the director »Makeup person uses cosmetics, hairspray, etc. to make the talent look the part »Wardrobe person sees that the clothing is appropriate to the story and script »Creates/designs the set with the support of the director »Makeup person uses cosmetics, hairspray, etc. to make the talent look the part »Wardrobe person sees that the clothing is appropriate to the story and script
Audio Technician »Arranges for audio recording equipment »Sets up and checks mics »Monitors audio quality during the production, then strikes (removes) equipment upon completion Microphone boom/grip operator »Arranges for audio recording equipment »Sets up and checks mics »Monitors audio quality during the production, then strikes (removes) equipment upon completion Microphone boom/grip operator
Other Important People »Video recorder operator »Continuity secretary »Floor/stage manager »Camera Operator »Stagehands »Editors »Video recorder operator »Continuity secretary »Floor/stage manager »Camera Operator »Stagehands »Editors
Three Production Phases »Pre-Production »Production »Post-Production »Pre-Production »Production »Post-Production
CG Operator »“Electronic character generator operator” »Designs/types opening titles, subtitles, and closing credits into a device that inserts text over video. »“Electronic character generator operator” »Designs/types opening titles, subtitles, and closing credits into a device that inserts text over video.
Preproduction »This phase is most crucial to creating a film, or producing a play or television show. »It is the planning phase, and it includes outlining or brainstorming and idea, converting the idea to a storyboard, writing the script, treatment, hiring individuals, etc. »This phase is most crucial to creating a film, or producing a play or television show. »It is the planning phase, and it includes outlining or brainstorming and idea, converting the idea to a storyboard, writing the script, treatment, hiring individuals, etc.
Production »This is the phase where the actual shoot is occurring »This is the time when everything should come together »This is the phase where the actual shoot is occurring »This is the time when everything should come together
Postproduction »This phase includes tasks such as striking (taking down) the sets, dismantling and packing equipment, and handling final financial obligations. »This is also the time that editing occurs »This phase includes tasks such as striking (taking down) the sets, dismantling and packing equipment, and handling final financial obligations. »This is also the time that editing occurs
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