Navigating and other helpful hints
PantherSoft System is web-based; therefore, users can access it at anytime from anywhere, as long as they have access to the web at Faculty self-service features include: –Access to class schedule –Access to class rolls –Input grades To access PantherSoft, users should use their Panther ID number and password that was established upon hire
Quick access to important campus websites Sign-in with your Panther ID and password
Read the latest Faculty Messages Self-Service Options such as Employee Self Service Select the Faculty Center link.
2.3. Select Tab: 1.View Schedule 2.View Class Roster 3.View/Input Grades 1.
Check to see that you are on the correct semester (right above your teaching schedule). Click on Change Term if you need to change the semester. View Weekly Teaching Schedule -Another window will open and provides a calendar view of your class schedule My Schedule Tab:
2. Class Roster Tab: Select the course which you are inquiring about. Icons:
Select Printer Friendly Version -Another window will open and provides a printer- friendly roster Select display option: Include Photos in List To access student images. Select Notify Selected Students or All Students - Another window will open to provide notifications to selected students
Enter subject and message then select Send Notification
Entering Your Grades In the Approval Status field, click on the drop-down menu and select Not Reviewed if it's not already chosen. Only this status selection will allow you to enter grades. The Grade Roster Type should reflect Final Grade. Remember to SAVE OFTEN, especially for long rosters. Do this by clicking on the Save icon at the bottom of the page. Once saved, you can continue inputting grades at a later time if you need to interrupt the process. 3. Grade Roster Tab:
By selecting one of the values in the Approval Status field the following functions can be performed. Not Reviewed – Permits entering of grades Ready For View – Permits grades to be reviewed, grades can not be entered in this mode. Submitted – Permits grades to be finalized and submitted.
You can verify that all grades have been submitted by clicking back on the Grade Roster tab. In the Final Roster Status column all students should have “Posted” status. Once all the grades have been entered and reviewed, they are ready to be submitted and posted. Once the grades are posted they cannot be changed. Also, once the deadline is over, grades cannot be inputted. A change of grade form must be completed and provided to the Registrar's Office for each grade change.
For more information, please contact your Department Chair Presentation by Academic Affairs and the College of Architecture and the Arts