Shock and Awe of a 3D Printer Video 2
Phase 1 The Shock and Awe of a 3D Printer
Phase 1 Shock and Awe ABS Plastic PLA Plastic Nomenclature Software Slicers Tips Getting a Good Platform Stick Overhangs, Rafts, Supports Download and Print Demo
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Characteristics Best stored in sealed containers Helps prevent moisture absorption Moisture laden ABS may bubble and spurt from extruder and affect the strength, durability, and accuracy of final part Demonstrates much more warping and curling than PLA especially noticeable on long flat designs
Phase 1 Shock and Awe ABS Curling
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Characteristics (cont) Created from petroleum products More flexible and stronger than PLA Higher melting point than PLA Has a much more noticeable odor
Phase 1 Shock and Awe ABS Plastic Extrusion Temp 220C – 230C Platform Temp 100C-110C Platform Covering Blue painter’s tape Blue painter’s tape with PVA Glue EL2093
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) Characteristics Best stored in sealed containers Helps prevent moisture absorption Moisture laden PLA may bubble and spurt from extruder and may tend to delaminate after extrusion Demonstrates much less warping than ABS
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) Characteristics (cont) Created from plant products and considered more “earth friendly”…bio-degradable Lower melting point than ABS Not as pungent an odor Not a sturdy as ABS
Phase 1 Shock and Awe PLA Plastic Extrusion Temp 220C – 230C Platform Temp 60C-70C Platform Covering Blue painter’s tape EL2093
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Nomenclature Nomenclature Video Search “3D printer nomenclature”Search “3D printer nomenclature
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Software Slicers What are they? Software required to prepare your design to be sent to the 3D printer. Slicing produces G-code which it what your 3D printer needs to produce your design.
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Software Slicers What are their names? Makerware DesktopMakerware Desktop RepGRepG List of SlicersList of Slicers
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Rep G
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Software Slicers File Types .stl (STeroLithography) Main file type you will find on Thingiverse .thing Makerware’s default type .x3g These are binary files that can be printed directly from the SD card in your printer. They are designs that have already been sliced. They cannot be graphically displayed because they are in binary code.
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Overhangs, Supports, and Rafts OverhangsOverhangs Best to try and design without overhangs Change platform orientation Create design with supports that can be easily cut or removed after printing Generate supports with software Makerware can generate supports, but they are VERY difficult to remove Use Meshmixer to generate easy to remove supportsMeshmixer
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Overhangs, Supports, and Rafts SupportsSupports Makerware supports can be difficult to remove Meshmixer supports are much easier to control and removeMeshmixer supports
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Makerware Supports
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Meshmixer Supports
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Overhangs, Supports, and Rafts RaftsRafts Can be difficult to remove Try to avoid using If you must, you might try using a PLA Raft with an ABS design print or vice versa
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Makerware Rafts
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Tips Good Platform Stick Blue Painter’s Tape Amazon LinkAmazon Link EL2093 Amazon LinkAmazon Link Imaginator 3D Youtube Tips and Tricks Youtube LinkYoutube Link
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Tips (cont) Downloading Objects Thingiverse Register Thingiversity connect with other teachersThingiversity GroupsGroups Downloading filesDownloading files Customizer Blued Design with no photosBlued Design with no photos
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Tips (cont) Printing your download Open in Makerware Printer settings QaulityQaulity InfillInfill Number of ShellsNumber of Shells Layer Height Temperatures Speeds while extruding while traveling
Phase 1 Shock and Awe Tips (cont) Printing your download Rafts On/Off Supports On/Off
Phase 1 Shock and Awe ABS Plastic PLA Plastic Software Slicers Tips Getting a Good Platform Stick Overhangs, Rafts, Supports Download and Print Demo
Plastic Characteristics updates/the-difference-between-abs- and-pla-for-3d-printing/ updates/the-difference-between-abs- and-pla-for-3d-printing/ plastic-pros-cons/ plastic-pros-cons/
Plastic Characteristics updates/the-difference-between-abs- and-pla-for-3d-printing/ updates/the-difference-between-abs- and-pla-for-3d-printing/ plastic-pros-cons/ plastic-pros-cons/
Amazon Links Blue Painter’s Tape Release-Painters- Masking/dp/B00DVCZE28/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8 &qid= &sr=8- 3&keywords=blue+painter%27s+tape Release-Painters- Masking/dp/B00DVCZE28/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8 &qid= &sr=8- 3&keywords=blue+painter%27s+tape EL2093 Advanced-Multi-Surface Inch/dp/B0047CL678/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid = &sr=8-2&keywords=el Advanced-Multi-Surface Inch/dp/B0047CL678/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid = &sr=8-2&keywords=el2093
Youtube Videos 3D Printer Nomenclature URpAzY URpAzY How to Load Your I3D w6S4nQE w6S4nQE How to Level Your Build Plate QHJAj4w QHJAj4w