Religion: The belief in and worship of a God or gods.
an established or prescribed procedure for a religious event or action.
A person who believes their purpose is to spread the word of God.
The belief in ONE God.
belief in or worship of more than one god
A belief that we should follow the rules of a religion WORD BY WORD, VERY STRICT!
A person who doesn’t believe ANY God exists and does not follow any religion.
A person who does NOT practice a religion, and is unsure whether a God exists.
Animist The belief that things in nature e.g. plants, mountains, animals and the sky, have souls or consciousness.
Origins of Religion This video is going to explain a theory on how humans began to have faith in and worship of
5 Major Religions of the World This video is going to explain how and where the 5 major world religions began and give an overview of each religion’s belief The Five Major World Religions: Hinduism (Hindus) Buddhism (Buddhists) Judaism (Jews) Christianity (Christians) Islam (Muslims)
Diffusion of Religion Over Time This video displays how the 5 major religions of the world have diffused over Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam
Exit Slip ON the bottom of your page, answer the question. What kind of problems could occur if 2 different groups of people in the same region, followed different religions and BOTH were fundamentalists of their religion?