E AST A SIA AND P ACIFIC (EAP) UNGEI A NNUAL R EPORT 2010 H IGHLIGHT C OUNTRY : P APUA N EW G UINEA UNGEI Global Advisory Committee Meeting (Paris, 31 January 2011) Reported by: Maki Hayashikawa, RFP, UNICEF EAPRO
O UTCOME 1. N ATIONAL LEVEL POLICY FRAMEWORKS Assessment Highlights Key Achievements National Education Gender Policy developed in member delegation participated in the UNGEI E4 Conference and developed a country action plan. Reviewed and updated the job description of the Gender Desk in NDOE. Appointed the First Assistant Secretary (Curriculum & Standards) as Chairperson of AGE Steering Committee. Challenges & Issues Mobilization of resources for effective implementation of gender equity programs as spelt out in the UBE plan, NEP, DoE Gender Policy and other documents. Opportunities & Way forward Gender audit in education system is planned in Develop gender action plan to accelerate gender equity in education. Ensure gender perspective in the roll out of the National Behavior Management Policy (e.g. focusing on: awareness creation, training of school based counselors, etc.)
O UTCOME 2. B EST PRACTICES Assessment Highlights Key Achievements 180 females and 40 males trained as Community Based Education Advocates (CBEAs) in three highland provinces. Challenges & issues Lack of current disaggregated data to understand the extent of gender disparities and inequities. Limited technical capacity to conduct gender analysis. Providing gender training to all Community-based Education Advocates (CBEAs) in all provinces. Opportunities & Way forward Establish gender resource center to promote gender mainstreaming in education and maintain and update a register of all institutions and agencies working on gender mainstreaming in PNG : pilot country for EAP-GEMInfo. Coordinate and strengthen counseling services for parents and students. Promote the adherence to the code of conduct among teachers and help schools to design own rules to eliminate intimidation and bullying, gender-based violence in schools.
O UTCOME 3. E FFECTIVE PARTNERSHIP AssessmentHighlights Key achievements Accelerating Gender Equity in Education (AGE) Steering Committee reactivated (Aug 2010). ToR and 2011 Work plan for AGE Steering Committee developed and approved. Organized 3 AGE Steering Committee meetings in Challenges & issues Setting up provincial AGE Committees and providing regular support and monitoring. Involving non-education actors to the partnership. Opportunities & Way forward Involve the opinion of leaders at different levels in promoting the education of girls and boys and integration of girls and boys through meetings, home visits. Integrate AGE concerns in church activities. Open up links with the Commonwealth Secretariat, Asia Gender Network, and other gender-related networks and organizations.