Vocabulary: ◦ A drama, or a play, is a piece of writing that is presented almost exclusively through dialogue.
VOCABULARY: ◦ Scripts are broken down into one or more acts, or major divisions of the play.
VOCABULARY: ◦ Each act is subdivided into a scene, or smaller division within the act.
VOCABULARY: ◦ Stage directions: notes, which are often in italics or parentheses, help the actor interpret the scene for the audience.
VOCABULARY: ◦ Cast of characters: major and minor characters who are listed along with a brief description of the character’s role in the story.
PAY ATTENTION AS YOU READ: 1) Imagine the physical environment 2) Imagine the character’s appearance 3) Imagine the language of the play 4) Imagine the production of the play
“Sorry, Wrong Number” ◦ Mid-twentieth century: - phones were literally dialed - operators connected callers - wiring systems connected the phones - Sometimes a “crossed wire” mistake could occur.