2015 Semester 1: Final Review
Economic Systems Spectrum FLUID
Unit 1 1.Causes earthquakes, formation of volcanoes, and fault lines (lithosphere) 2.Prone to earthquakes—islands will have tsunamis (Japan) 3.Formal, Perceptual, and *Functional—shares a common characteristic (DFW=transportation) 4.Cold Regions (Canadian Shield), Mountainous Regions, Rainforests, and Deserts are sparsely populated 5.Differences in the use of animals in cultures (fur versus all); differences in how cultures view land ownership 6.Latitude is horizontal (climate) and Longitude is vertical (time zones) 7.Latitude is biggest climate factor—regions along the same latitude have similar climates; Elevation (higher=colder; temperature and air pressure decreases), Mountain Barriers (rain shadow/orographic effect), Proximity to Water (continentality); temperature varies more inland without effect of currents), Ocean Currents (warm/cold), Storms 8.Weathering, erosion, and LEMPOS 9.El Nino, the warming of the Pacific, results in droughts in Asia and flooding in the Americas (unseasonal) 10. Northern Hemisphere: tilted toward sun (solstice) is summer (vice versa)— revolution around sun = seasons 11. Tropical rainforest will be located in tropical climate region; tundra in the Arctic
Unit 3 12.Religion, language, etc. (ABC’S OF CULTURE) 13.Groups are typically ethnocentric and see other cultures through their own cultural lens 14.Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary 15.Communism (large amount of government control in business & private), Socialism (Europe govt’s own large industry, private businesses belongs to citizens), Capitalism (free market; supply & demand) 16.Push: famine, disease, lack of jobs; Pull: abundance of jobs, same cultural aspects 17.High per capita GDP, *High literacy rates—educated workforce, High life expectancy, High urban pop, Low IMR (infant mortality rate) 18.Vertical is age groups; horizontal bars represent percentage of population 19.Cottage industry (home-based businesses) vs. Commercial industry (imports & exports) 20.Large area of fertile land with access to trade 21.One country has resources the other does not (vice versa) and needs the other for growth 22.Resources, access to transportation system, water access, infrastructure 23. Dams produce electricity 24. Convergence is coming together—American fast food chains and music artists in other countries
Unit 4 25.Building reservoirs and dams 26.Quebec citizens threaten to secede to protect their French culture 27.Andes Mountains form the border between Chile and Argentina (*Should be in Unit 5) 28.Look at political map of Central America (*Should be in Unit 5) 29.Crossed the Beringia Land Bridge from Asia (into current- day Alaska) and migrated southward 30.The physical location of U.S., Canada, and Mexico make it a region (different cultures) 31.European diseases spread to American Indians
Unit 5 32.Poor rural migrants could not afford housing in the cities 33.Majority is located in the tropical latitudes 34.Positive: more land for farming; Negative: loss of land for natural habitats 35.African culture through forced migration of slaves 36.People speaking out and influencing leaders as proud citizens of the country 37.Countries have agreements that nuclear energy will be developed for peaceful uses, not weapons 38.Incans used terraced farming (modification of the environment) to sustain life in the mountainous region
Unit 6 39.Five Regions (Northern, Northwestern, Southern, Eastern, The Russian Core) 40.Continentality means the further a country is from an ocean, the harsher the climate. Eastern Europe’s distance from the sea makes its climate colder than that of Northwestern and Southern Europe, the lack of water access limits precipitation, and there is little variety in the climate regions. 41.England (first to industrialize) saw urban areas (cities) grow as more jobs were available. Coal production in Germany and steel industries in Western Europe also led to migration patterns from Eastern Europe to Western areas. 42.Rats on ships—ports are on the coast (coastal areas affected more) 43.Eastern European countries (Poland) held DEMOCRATIC elections after the fall of communism and the collapse of the the Soviet Union. Pull factor to Western Europe also became economic opportunities because of political and economic instability of Eastern Europe. 44.See #41 45.Huge populations and little space—America has large amounts of fertile land