GlobColour/Medspiration User Workshop Conclusions
Workshop Conclusions Medspiration Good uptake by both the user and provider community - Since 2006: large increase in data volumes and number of users Has become essential input for OSTIA, and now all MetOffice forecasts depend on it. - GHRSST is operational now. It is no longer a “Pilot Project” Advantages of HR-SST have been demonstrated: e.g. improved forecast of hurricane tracks Encouraging new research, e.g. on influence on polar low development Responding to user needs (SSES, L2P) Continuity from 2009 in MCS, but GHRSST must continue to deliver services to the global user community outside MyOcean. GlobColour Historical data set just released NRT service due to start in 2008 Time to expand user group, and link to GEOSS tasks Validation shows good quality data set, but some problems remain in trend analysis Intercomparison shows it is at least as good as other merged ocean colour datasets Continuity guaranteed from 2009 in MCS (up to chl, but not going further into PP, ecosystems and modelling products)
New Requirements to be Investigated Medspiration Extend Level-4 above 60° North ATSR SSES implementation Distribute SST products via ESA/DDS (and EUMETCast?) to African users Requests for new DDS sites to Dave P, please. HR-DDS back-processing for SST, OC, Wave, NPP, … GlobColour Coastal zones -Global Case 2 CHL, CDM, TSM, … product for assessing role of coastal zones in carbon flux -Use of MERIS-FRS for operational applications (i.e. incl NRT Level-2 availability) -NOAA IOOS (and CoastWatch) would like a coastal GlobColour -AMESD users..? & LME’s in Africa. Inclusion of PARASOL as 4 th sensor, + ISRON sensors (Sam) Need for cloud-free analysed Chl product (DIVERSITY, are there others?) Need for new products: Primary productivity, pCO 2, PAR, ZHl… Support IOCCP Ocean CO 2 from Space workshop Distribute ocean colour products to African users via ESA/DDS Draft a NOAA Submission Agreement Assimilation of GlobColour products into models.
User Consultation 2008 Suggested venues: ESRIN MERIS-AATSR workshop (Sep 2008?) Santorini Lisbon Malpelo…?