Summary of Session 6 Long Term Operation 1 Christopher Miller NRC, United States of America IAEA International Conference on Operational Safety Vienna International Centre June 2015
International Atomic Energy Agency 2 Key points from presentations, posters and panel discussions Many plants world-wide are reaching the end of their design life and will be entering long term operation (LTO) Economic, political and regulatory uncertainties complicate power plant decisions and efforts to pursue continued LTO IAEA standards (such as PSR and SRS 57) and missions have been found to be very useful by many plants and countries to demonstrate safe plant operation during LTO
International Atomic Energy Agency 3 Key points from presentations, posters and panel discussions Sufficient lead time is needed for preparation of documentation to demonstrate safe LTO, review by the regulator, and implementation of ageing management programmes Ageing management is a living activity that requires continued updating based on programme results and consideration of international operating experience Significant technical issues related to LTO and plant operation beyond 60 years need to be researched and ageing management solutions identified
International Atomic Energy Agency 4 Real-time sharing of international operating experience is vital to ensure continued safe LTO, considering ageing management findings and precursors Development of additional research findings to address technical issues for LTO, maybe from harvested materials Enhancements and improvements to IAEA standards and missions – is there a need for more closely coordinated IAEA activities (e.g., standards and missions)? Communication packaging of technical solutions that assure safe plant operation in LTO to support public conversations and confidence – more use of IAEA peer review missions? Potential areas for further improvements
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