SignPost Indoor Navigation System Michael Knapp Gerhard Reitmayr
Michael Knapp 2 / 20 Overview n What is SignPost ? n Design n Tracking (ARToolKit) n Implementation n Applications n Résumé
Michael Knapp 3 / 20 What is SignPost ? Signpost is an indoor navigation system, which guides the user through a building. It supports the user with several navigation aides. For example: arrows, highlighted portals, a „world in miniature“ as map.
Michael Knapp 4 / 20 Design We have designed a modular system consisting of: n Tracking (OpenTracker) n Building manager: provides applications with building information and tracking data (Server, Studierstube) n Applications using the building information (Clients, Studierstube)
Michael Knapp 5 / 20 Tracking (ARToolkit) n Space divided into 4x4x4 meter cells n Each 3x3x3 cell block must not contain the same marker more than once n 8 meter minimum distance between same markers n While tracking only 3x3x3 cell block around current cell is evaluated n 32 different markers with largest possible hamming distance (8x8 black/white pattern)
Michael Knapp 6 / 20 Tracking: ARToolkit
Michael Knapp 7 / 20 Implementation n Tracking (OpenTracker) n Applications (Studierstube) u Building manager (Server) u World in miniature (Client) u Building augmentation (Client) u Navigation (Client)
Michael Knapp 8 / 20 Building Manager n Provides clients with a modifiable scene graph n Building geometry: rooms, portals n Connectivity of rooms n Tracking information: position, orientation, current room
Michael Knapp 9 / 20 Building Manager WallFloor ContextSwitch Node is affected by Context Node from outside
Michael Knapp 10 / 20 Client side WallFloor Reference to building scene graph
Michael Knapp 11 / 20 The interaction between two BAUClient nodes and the building node Reference Context Inheritance
Michael Knapp 12 / 20 World in Miniature (WIM) n Small model of the building n Current position indicated by lego- man n Scaling of model n Scaling of box
Michael Knapp 13 / 20 PIP of WIM
Michael Knapp 14 / 20 Building Augmentation Wireframe Hidden Line
Michael Knapp 15 / 20 Navigation n The user selects a destination...
Michael Knapp 16 / 20 Navigation n... and is guided by the system...
Michael Knapp 17 / 20 Navigation n... to the desired destination.
Michael Knapp 18 / 20 Résumé n Emphasis was put on design which was a good decision. n Programming using OpenInventor is a challenging task. n Client/Server approach makes it easy to add new applications, even as a plain Inventor-File.
Michael Knapp 19 / 20 Thank You for Your Attention ! Questions ? Suggestions ?