Our Class Curriculum Curriculum By Hawkinge Class
How we teach… CONCRETE We have off-site visits when we can handle objects and explore different environments. IMAGE We see pictures, images, photos and use ICT. ABSTRACT We use calculations and write in different contexts. How we teach… CONCRETE We have off-site visits when we can handle objects and explore different environments. IMAGE We see pictures, images, photos and use ICT. ABSTRACT We use calculations and write in different contexts. What we learn… In Hawkinge class we follow the National Curriculum areas for Years 4, 5 and 6. We know that physical skills prepare us for learning and life, so we have plenty of opportuni- ties to develop these skills in PE, Games,Art, trips, and extra support lessons if needed. We learn life skills, which will help us communicate and be more independent, by visiting shops, using money, and having opportunities to learn with other classes in school. What we learn… In Hawkinge class we follow the National Curriculum areas for Years 4, 5 and 6. We know that physical skills prepare us for learning and life, so we have plenty of opportuni- ties to develop these skills in PE, Games,Art, trips, and extra support lessons if needed. We learn life skills, which will help us communicate and be more independent, by visiting shops, using money, and having opportunities to learn with other classes in school.
How we support learning… Differentiation, visual supports, verbal/physical prompting, scaffolding, questioning, repetition and independence. How we support learning… Differentiation, visual supports, verbal/physical prompting, scaffolding, questioning, repetition and independence. How we learn… Encounter, awareness, response, focus, attention, participate, explore, engage, imitate, independence. How we learn… Encounter, awareness, response, focus, attention, participate, explore, engage, imitate, independence.
Communication… Intensive interaction, PECS, Makaton, vocalisation, extending spoken vocabulary and use of ICT. Communication… Intensive interaction, PECS, Makaton, vocalisation, extending spoken vocabulary and use of ICT. Focus on… Academic skills and personal development. Focus on… Academic skills and personal development.
In Hawkinge Class… We are learning to be independent young people with aspirations and goals for the future. In Hawkinge Class… We are learning to be independent young people with aspirations and goals for the future.
Created by Hawkinge Class with a little help from the Teachers