Jurisdiction Jurisdiction refers to the scope and limits of a court’s power to adjudicate a case. It depends on : the (type) case and geographical area/ domicilie 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL2
Absolute Jurisdiction TERM Kompetensi absolut / absolut competence/ original juridiction / attributie van rechtsmacht 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL3
Absolute Jurisdiction The authority of a court based on the type of the case/ dispute Art. 134 HIR/ 160 Rbg 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL4
Relative Jurisdiction TERM : Kompetensi relatif/ relative competence/ distributie van rechtsmacht 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL5
Relative Jurisdiction The authority of a court within the same branch of the judicature but in different geographical area. It depends on domicilie. Art 118 (1) HIR/ 142 (1) Rbg Principle: Actor Sequitur Forum Rei 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL6
118 (1) HIR Art 118 (1) HIR/ 142 (1) Rbg : 1. Relative jurisdiction 2. How to submit a civil lawsuit 3. Legal representation 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL7
118 HIR (1) The lawsuit must be submitted into the District Court in jurisdiction of defendant’s domicilie (Actor Sequitur Forum Rei) 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL8
118 HIR (2) If there are multiple defendants who are not domiciliaries in same District Court jurisdiction, then the venue is proper in jurisdiction of at least one of defendants domicilie which may be chossen by plaintiff. but if there some defendants are primary obligors, plaintiff must choose venue from among domicilie of primary obligor. 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL9
118 HIR (3) if defendant’s domicilie are unknown, civil lawsuit must be submitted into jurisdiction where the plaintiff is domiciled or if subject matter of disputes involves immovable good, civil lawsuit must be submitted to jurisdiction where immovable goods are located (Forum rei sitae). 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL10
118 HIR (4) civil lawsuit may be submitted to selected venue that parties has been choosen on their contract. (choice of venue) 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL11
2. HOW TO SUBMIT LAW SUIT − Oral ( for illiterate) 120 HIR/ 144 (1) Rbg − Written 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL12
3. LEGAL REPRESENTATION How to appear before the court? partij materiil (without represented) partij formil (with represented) Art 123 (1) HIR. 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL13
Procedure Divided into 2 basic ways: Administrative Judicial 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL14
Administrative PLAINTIFF SIDE : Submit the civil lawsuit/ application; Pay the court fees; (persekot/ down payment) Receive the receipt of the court fees 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL15
Administrative COURT SIDE: The registrar receive the lawsuit/ application and will give a case registration number The registrar will provide notice about the case to the Chief of the Distric Court The Chief of the district court will decide the panel of judges The Panel of judges will decide the first court session The registrar will provide notice to parties (for lawsuit). 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL16
Administrative 4 administrative documents: 1. Court order/ court award requiring first court session 2. Court notice 3. Court transcrip of notice (relass) 4. Case list (roll) 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL17
Administrative Requirements of court notice : 1. must be filed directly to the parties by bailiff 2. the time between date of hearing and date of notice may not be less than three working day 3. delegation (if the parties domicile are different with the court jurisdiction the notice must be delegate. (388, 389, 390 HIR) Noted: syarat sah dan patut 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL18
Administrative Bailiff provides: 1. Court notice 2. Relass 3. Copy of lawsuit 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL19
Judicial 4 sessions: 1. First day of court proceedings 2. Reply 3. Evidence 4. Court decision and the enforcement of court decision 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL20
First day of court proceedings 1. If both parties (plaintiff and defendant) appears : The panel of judges (ex officio) must provide amicable settlement by mediation sessions which is mandatory (Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA) No 1/ 2008 and 130 HIR). If the settlement/ mediation is succed, the amicable settelement (akta van dading) will be made. The statements’s charateristic is final and binding and if the settlement is failed, the court session will be continued. 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL21
First day of court proceedings 2. Plaintiff appears – Defendant fails to appear The panel of judges will examine the relass whether the court notice is legitimate or not (122 HIR) and the court session may adjourn The registrar will provided notice to defendant until the 3rd times (max), if defendant fails to appear then the court may decide to examine the case without defendant’s appearance. This may lead to default judgment (verstek) (125 (1) HIR). 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL22
First day of court proceedings 3. Defendant appears –Plaintiff fails to appear The panel of judges will examine the relass whether the court notice is legitimate or not (122 HIR) and the court session may adjourn. If the plaintiff fails to appears on the next session, the lawsuit will discharged and the plaintiff will be charged the court fees (124 HIR). This is not dismiss the plaintiff’s right to recommence its lawsuit. 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL23
First day of court proceedings 4. Both plaintiff and defendant fails to appear The panel of judges will examine the relass whether the court notice is legitimate or not (122 HIR) and the court session may adjourn. 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL24
Reply sessions 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL25 1. Defendant responses 2. Replik 3. Duplik 4. Conclusion/ closing arguments 25
Lawsuit Application Jurisdictie contentieusa Dispute Bilateral/ min 2 sided Judgments court decisions Note : Bedakan : keputusan – putusan – penetapan Jurisdictie voluntair No dispute Unilateral / one sided Judgments court order 1/16/2016civilprocedure_dL26