Lecture 0Slide 1 Welcome to IKI 10230I Introduction to Computer Organization Teacher: L. Yohanes Stefanus office: Fasilkom Building.


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Presentation transcript:

Lecture 0Slide 1 Welcome to IKI 10230I Introduction to Computer Organization Teacher: L. Yohanes Stefanus office: Fasilkom Building A Room 1220 Website:

Lecture 0Slide 2 References Sivarama P. Dandamudi Introduction to Assembly Language Programming Springer-Verlag, Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky Computer Organization, Fifth Edition McGraw-Hill, 2002.

Lecture 0Slide 3 Course Goals This course aims to teach the fundamentals of computer organization through assembly language programming. Topics to be learned: Basic Computer Organization Assembly Language

Lecture 0Slide 4 Prerequisites Foundations of Programming Introduction to Digital Systems

Lecture 0Slide 5 Marking Scheme Attendance10% Quiz10% Assignments20% Midterm Exam20% Final Exam40% If you cheat on an exam or assignment, you will get a final mark of E.

Lecture 0Slide 6 Collaboration The goal of assignments (homework) is to give you practice in mastering the course material. You must write up each problem solution or program by yourself without assistance, even if you collaborate with others to solve the problem. You are asked on your assignment hand-in to identify your collaborators. If you did not work with anyone, you should write "Collaborators: none". If you obtain a solution through research (e.g., on the world wide web), acknowledge your source, but write up the solution in your own words. Plagiarism and other anti-intellectual behavior cannot be tolerated in any academic environment.