XIIth Annual International Conference for Professionals in Cultural Heritage LoCloud Micro Services and the Digitisation Workflow Walter Koch AIT-Angewandte Informationstechnik Forschungs GmbH, Graz - Austria LoCloud is funded by the European Commission's ICT Policy Support Programme
Walter Koch (AIT)2 Content LoCloud Project (relevant activities) Vocabulary Microservice Microservice used in the OpenUp! Project Digitisation Workflow (Books) Digital Curation (Long Term Preservation)
LoCloud Project (relevant activities) Walter Koch (AIT)3
Walter Koch (AIT)4 locoud.eu About: – LoCloud is a Best Practice Network co-funded under the CIP ICT-PSP programme of the European Commission. – LoCloud is supporting small and medium-sized institutions in making their content and metadata available to Europeana. – A cloud-based technology infrastructure will enable the aggregation of local content, and – a number of micro-services will help to reduce technical, semantic and skills barriers and to render the content more discoverable and interoperable.
Walter Koch (AIT)5 Microservices Six development teams: AIT, Athena RC, AVINET, IPCHS, UPV/EHU, VUKFC All the services are implemented on virtual machines in a cloud testlab (using the OpenNebula cloud computing platform) API documentation is available for each service End-user interfaces are provided for three microservices Each service has been integrated in MORe
Walter Koch (AIT)6 LoCloud Microservices Cloud-based micro-services for metadata enrichment and capture: Geo-location API Vocabulary service Historic Place Names service Geo-coding application Vocabulary matching service Background linking service Wikimedia application
Walter Koch (AIT)7 LoGeo API Uses NER-Name Entity Recognition Recognizes and returns one or more place names candidates accompanied by geographical coordinates. GPL IPCHS
Walter Koch (AIT)8 Vocabulary service Based on “TemaTres” Incorporates 29 standard thesauri allows users to add and create vocabularies, and add terms or translations add thesauri terms to all items of a metadata package Integrated in MORE Exploited by the LoCloud vocabulary matching microservice via its API GPL AIT
Walter Koch (AIT)9 Historic Place Names service A semi-automatic historical geo- information management function and web service. Enables local cultural institutions to collaborate in developing the Thesaurus of HPN and enriching ingested metadata. Enables export of selected LoCloud HPN Thesaurus data sets. GPL VUKF
Walter Koch (AIT)10 Geo-coding application End-user oriented application allows institutions to add geographical locations to existing content in a controlled crowd-sourcing environment and then load the augmented data back into their original production databases. GPL AVINET
Walter Koch (AIT)11 Vocabulary matching service Builds on work in the PATHS project (FP7) Automatically assigns relevant concepts and terms to item records Retrieves terms from the Vocabulary service UPV/EHU Apache License 2.0
Walter Koch (AIT)12 Background linking service Based on work in PATHS Follows the Named Entity Disambiguation approach Enriches items with links to external contextual information in DBpedia and Wikipedia Apache License 2.0 UPV/EHU
Walter Koch (AIT)13 Wikimedia application A web service that uses a REST interface to communicate with Wikimedia commons The main functionalities are harvesting content form Wikimedia, parsing the harvested content, and identifying useful entities that can be mapped to the ESE or EDM metadata schemas. The mapped ESE / EDM records are then sent to MORe to be delivered to Europeana. Wikimedia Commons Licensing Athena RC
Walter Koch (AIT)14 The LoCloud Aggregation Structure Enrichment Services Enrichment Services Europeana Cloud Testlab
Walter Koch (AIT)15 About: Microservice Wikipedia: ( ) [...] microservices is a software architecture style in which complex applications are composed of small, independent processes communicating with each other using language- agnostic APIs. These services are small, highly decoupled and focus on doing a small task,facilitating a modular approach to system-building.
Walter Koch (AIT)16 Evolution of Architectures pwc: Technology Forecast: Rethinking Integration, Issue 1, 2014, page 3
Vocabulary Microservice Walter Koch (AIT)17
Walter Koch (AIT)18 Vocabulary Microservices This is the entry page for the LoCloud vocabulary application. LoCloud uses a variety of standard vocabularies during the metadata enrichment process. These vocabularies have been established with the TemaTres tool and are available in the LoCloud cloud testlab. In addition, it is possible to feed the tool with your own vocabularies, establish new vocabularies or add languages to existing vocabularies.
Walter Koch (AIT)19 Vocabulary WebService 20+ Functions, API Parameters Example
Walter Koch (AIT)20 Example: Search UNESCO-Thesaurus
Walter Koch (AIT)21 SPARQL-Example DISMARC-Genres Query: "Find all Broader Term for 'Acid Jazz‘“ SPARQL End Point: Query Result Thesaurus Entry
Walter Koch (AIT)22 Service Call („fetchTopTerms“) embedded in a test application Micro- Service Vocabulary Web Service
Walter Koch (AIT)23 Test Application Development Designer View Development of a Drop Down List
Walter Koch (AIT)24 The Test Application: Part of Data Entry Path to the Thesaurus Item „Candidate Term“ Crowdsourcing activity Next Slide (Vocabulary Management)
Microservice used in the OpenUp! Project (open-up.eu) „Common Name Service“ Walter Koch (AIT)25
Walter Koch (AIT)26 OpenUp! - Natural History Aggregator for Europeana Micro Service: Common Name Service Micro Service: Common Name Service
Walter Koch (AIT)27 OpenUp! Transformation Workflow Invoke Micro Service: Common Name Service Next Slide
Walter Koch (AIT)28 OpenUp! Transformation Parameters Micro Service: Common Name Service Service End Point (Cache)
Walter Koch (AIT)29 Result: OpenUp! Enriched Meta Data Set Latin Name Common Names
Digitisation Workflow (Books) Walter Koch (AIT)30
Walter Koch (AIT)31 Bibliotheca Alexandrina Points for MicroService Integration
Walter Koch (AIT)32 Digital Curation (Long Term Preservation)
Walter Koch (AIT)33 Digital Curation State-of-the-Art Examples (2010) Archivematica – Linux VM based toolset allows producers and archivists to implement a small scale workflow UC3 / CDL Merritt – Micro-Services specifications – implement building blocks for the Digital Curation Lifecycle
Walter Koch (AIT)34 Archivmatica Micro Services Linux Toolsuite Micro- Services Categories of Micro- Services
Walter Koch (AIT)35 California Digital Library UC3 Merritt California Digital Library UC Curation Center Independant, Interoperable Micro-Services Complex curation function through combination of atomistic services UC3 Model Knowledge Enhancement Phases Micro- Services Annotation
Walter Koch (AIT)36 Micro-Services (Merritt vs. Archivematica) Micro-Services for Pre-Ingest
Walter Koch (AIT)37 High-Level Workflow OAIS activities provide a sound basis Archivematica Use Cases Merritt specifications Micro-Services are the building blocks Producer OAIS Activity Archivist Micro-Services
Walter Koch (AIT)38 CDL Curation Micro Services 1)„An Emergent Micro-Services Approach to Digital Curation Infrastructure“, IPRES )UC Curation Center / California Digital Library, merritt: An Emergent Micro-services Approach to Digital Curation Infrastructure; Rev. 0.6, ) Annotation service 2) The Annotation service provides a mechanism by which the consumers of managed digital content can enrich that content through additional description, association, or related content. The service supports the following methods: Annotate Submit.
Walter Koch (AIT)39 Contact Walter Koch,