Unit for Sustainable Development and Environment – Caribbean Division Climate Risk Jean Marc Racine and Marco Alcaraz Project Managers.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit for Sustainable Development and Environment – Caribbean Division Climate Risk Jean Marc Racine and Marco Alcaraz Project Managers

Climate Risk: Key Challenges  Loss of lives and Property Loss of lives and Property  Set-backs in National Economy: loss of capital, loss of income Set-backs in National Economy: loss of capital, loss of income  Diversion/delays in Public and Private Sector Investments  Fiscal difficulties (loss of revenues, increased borrowing) Fiscal difficulties (loss of revenues, increased borrowing)  All of the above will be affected and/or aggravated by Climate Change.

Addressing the Challenges  Preparedness/Response  Risk Management  Vulnerability Identification & Analysis  Risk/Vulnerability Reduction  Risk Transfer  Public Education, Awareness  Adaptation: Living with Risk

OAS/USDE Responses  Focus on Vulnerability and Risk Reduction as part of Development planning and Investment  Since 1992: Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Programme (USAID funded);  CDMP ( );  Post Georges (2000);  Post Lenny (2001).

OAS/USDE Responses  Support to Disaster Mitigation Facility at the CDB  Collaboration with CDERA in Caribbean Hazard Mitigation Capacity Building Program (CHAMP) Collaboration with CDERA in Caribbean Hazard Mitigation Capacity Building Program (CHAMP)  Collaboration with CARICOM in Climate Change Adaptation : CPACC ( ); MACC ( ); St Vincent & the Grenadines Enabling Activity (2004). Collaboration with CARICOM in Climate Change Adaptation : CPACC ( ); MACC ( ); St Vincent & the Grenadines Enabling Activity (2004).

Hazard Map High Moderate Low Wind Hazard Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment Example: Wind Hazard, Nevis + Critical Facility Information (location, status, history) Increasingvulnerability Critical Facility Vulnerability Assessment

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St. Kitts: Port Zante Lost Tourism Revenue During Reconstruction Foto: Jan Vermeiren

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