Chapter 1 Introduction 國立雲林科技大學 資訊工程研究所 張傳育(Chuan-Yu Chang ) 博士


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1 Introduction 國立雲林科技大學 資訊工程研究所 張傳育(Chuan-Yu Chang ) 博士 Office: EB 212 TEL: 05-5342601 ext. 4337 E-mail:

Introduction The Object of this chapter defined the scope of image processing Give a historical perspective Briefly discuss the principal approaches The components contained in a general purpose image processing

What is digital image processing? An image may be defined as a 2D function f(x,y) where x, y: spatial coordinates amplitude of f(x,y) is called the intensity or gray level Digital image Digital image processing Processing digital images by means of a digital computer. The element of a digital image Picture elements, image elements, pixel

What is digital image processing? (cont.) Three types computerized processes: Low level Basic operations such as noise reduction, contrast enhancement, and image sharpening. Mid-level Segmentation, classification High-level Understand the meaning of the recognized objects.

The origins of Digital Image Processing Historical Perspective 1920, newspaper industry Bartlane cable picture transmission system Reduce the time required to transport a picture across the Atlantic from more than a week to less than three hours. Coded tape by a telegraph printer with special type faces 5 gray levels 1921 Tape punched

The origins of Digital Image Processing (cont.) 1929 15 gray level

The origins of Digital Image Processing (cont.) A series of key advances that led to computers powerful enough to be used for digital image processing: The invention of the transistor by Bell Lab. In 1948 The development of the high-level programming languages in the 1950s and 1960s. The invention of the IC at Texas Instruments in 1958. The development of OS in the early 1960s. The development of the mP by Intel in the early 1970s. Introduction by IBM of the PC in 1981. Progressive miniaturization of components.

The origins of Digital Image Processing (cont.) The first computer powerful enough to carry out meaningful image processing tasks appeared in the early 1960s. 1964 First picture of the moon By spacecraft Ranger 7 July 31, 1964 at 9:09 A.M

The origins of Digital Image Processing (cont.) The late 1960s and early 1970s digital image processing techniques began to be used in medical imaging, remote Earth resource observations, and astronomy. The invention in the early 1970s of computerized tomography (CT) in one of the most events in the application of image processing in medical diagnosis. CT was invented by Godfrey N. Hounsfield and Allan M. Cormack, who shared the 1979 Nobel prize.

Examples of fields that use digital image processing The electromagnetic spectrum arranged according to energy per photon

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) Gamma-ray 由核子反應閥所拍攝的Gamma射線影像 天鵝座星環(Cygnus Loop)

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) X-ray imaging Medical diagnostics Industrial inspection 天鵝座星環(Cygnus Loop)

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) 正常的玉米 黑穗病的玉米 Ultraviolet(紫外線) band imaging Lithography(平版印刷) Industrial inspection Microscopy(顯微鏡) Laser Biological imaging Astronomical observation(天文觀測) 紫外線是不可見光,但當紫外線的光子和螢光物質中的原子的電子碰撞後,會將電子的能量提升,最後該激發的電子會落到低能量,並發出可見的紅光。 天鵝座星環(Cygnus Loop)

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) Imaging in the Visible and Infrared bands 膽固醇(cholestrol), 40X Taxol(一種抗癌藥劑), 250X 氧化鎳薄膜(Nickel oxide thin film), 600X

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) Thematic bands in NASA’s LANDSAT satellite LANDSAT主要的目的在於從太空中獲得並傳送地球的影像,以監督地球環境的變化。

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.)

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) Multispectral image of Hurricane Andrew taken by NOAA GEOS Weather observation and prediction are major applications of multispectral imaging from satellites.

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) Infrared imaging Nighttime Lights of the World Provides a global inventory of human settlements From NOAA DMSP satellite From band 10.0 to 13.4 mm

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.)

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) CD-ROM控制面板 檢查藥丸包裝是否良好? Automated visual inspection of manufactured goods. 檢查塑 膠內的 氣泡 檢查瓶裝物是否充足? 眼球內 的水晶 體置換 檢查麥片是否異常?

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) Fingerprints Enhance them Find features that aid in the automated search of a database for potential matches Paper currency Automated license plate reading

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) Imaging in the Microwave Band 西藏東南方山區 (約拉薩東邊90Km) 的太空雷達影像

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) Imaging in the Radio Band

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.) 巨蟹座星雲在不同頻譜的影像 地震模型剖面影像,箭頭指著碳化氫(油、氣)火山岩

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.)

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.)

Examples of fields that use digital image processing (cont.)

Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing

Components of an Image Processing System

A story of Lena

A story of Lena 1972 Playmate Lena whose photo became the first digital test image. She visited the Conference of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology.

A story of Lena Lena出席IS&T 50週年會議

A story of Lena Lena是當年(1972)的封面女郎 Lenna or Lena is the name given to a standard test image originally cropped from a Playboy magazine centerfold picture of Lena Söderberg, a Swedish model who posed nude for the November 1972 issue.

A story of Lena Lena的原始圖片.bmp