The Body and Health 2.2 Symptoms - Basic
My throat hurts.
I have a sore throat.
My head hurts.
I have a headache.
My whole body hurts.
I have body aches.
I have stomach cramps.
I have a cramp in my arm.
I have a cramp in my leg.
I feel faint.
I feel dizzy.
I'm dizzy.
I feel queasy.
I feel nauseous.
I have a fever.
I have chills.
My throat really hurts.
I have a really sore throat.
My head really hurts.
I have a really bad headache.
I have really bad stomach cramps.
I have a really bad cramp in my leg.
I feel really faint.
I feel really nauseous.
I feel really queasy.
I have a really bad fever.
I have really bad chills.