NWEA Data and Goal Setting Where do we need to go? How will we get there?
Reading Grade 8-108% of Goal
Math Grade 8-42% of Goal
Reading Grade 7-89% of Goal
Math Grade 7-53% of Goal
Reading Grade 6-124% of Goal
Math Grade 6-54% of Goal
Reading Grade % of Goal
Math Grade % of Goal
Reading Grade 4- 67% of Goal
Math Grade 4- 50% of Goal
Reading Grade 3- 43% of Goal
Math Grade 3- 43% of Goal
Reading Grade Points to Goal
Math Grade Points to Goal
Reading Grade Points to Goal
Math Grade Points to Goal
Reading Kindergarten- 15 Points to Goal
Math Kindergarten- 16 Points to Goal
Reading vs Math % to Goal Reading % of Goal 3rd43% 4th67% 5th153% 6th124% 7th89% 8th108% Total585% Math % of Goal 3rd43% 4th50% 5th144% 6th54% 7th53% 8th42% Total 386%
Time on Reading Test (43 questions) KGGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8 Duration Avg % of Goal
Data Interpretation Reading NWEA scores are higher in reading than math Reading NWEA scores are higher in Grades 5-8 than in Grades 3 & 4 5 th Grade outscored every grade in reading and math There is a correlation between the time spent on the test and the results
We will be done with ISAT in two weeks. We have 2 ½ months until we must take the Spring NWEA. What do we need to do to be ready?